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Message ID: 5245
Date: Thu Aug 12 18:33:30 BST 1999
Author: Mike Roach
Subject: RE: Charisma vs Mob Resist Part 2


The way I understand it for bards:

STR: Amount of damage done when hitting in Melee and amount of weight you
can carry
AGI: Chance to use DODGE skill
DEX: Chance to avoid missed notes (subject of much debate)
CHA: Chance to successfully affect MOB with *certain* songs and better
selling prices

Now, many people have argued that they do not see these benefits increase in
any way in correspondence with what DEX is thought to affect, but there are
several theories as to why this might be.

Another consideration is that I think there are certain benchmarks at which
the abilities will actually affect or change the figures they are supposed
to affect. For example, with STR it is obvious that each point of STR
allows you to carry 1 more point of weight on your person, however the
damage bonuses that STR give are not as obvious and may only jump in 5 or 10
point increments. Another example, I hear that having a CHA above 120 does
not seem to affect NPC selling prices any further, i.e., CHA of 150 gives
you the same selling price as CHA 120 - although I have no hard data to back
this up. If you play around with stat increasing items and look at how they
affect your attack numbers and AC numbers you will also notice that there is
another mysterious formula working there and that changes are not applied in
a directly 1 to 1 ratio. You may also notice that some of those stats go up
when you level as well.

I personally don't do all the number crunching but tend to trust those of us
on this list that do, especially those of us who are of a higher level than
myself - however, with a CHA of 95 one night, I got a enchanter to boost me
up above 100 and did notice that my songs such as root and binding were
resisted less. Maybe a coincidence, but I was sold, I immediately set out to
bring my CHA up above 100 with items. In my mind it helps, but I can't be
sure - I RP a lot anyway so just having a high CHA fits in with the
character that I role-play so I like it regardless - Plus I buy stuff for my
friends now because between my CHA and my carillion I get the best prices.

Sorry I missed you last night, we'll have to try and get together again
sometime...its been a while...

Faras Tar'Linedhel
Bard of the 24th song (I got my sparkles last night!)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4 [mailto:g4mntofcr@...]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 6:29 PM
> To: 'eqbards@onelist.com'
> Subject: [eqbards] Charisma vs Mob Resist Part 2
> From: "Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4" <g4mntofcr@...>
> OK, call me stupid but I'm still not sure how to interpret
> this. The way I
> read it, your Charisma stat has no impact whatsoever on your
> chances to
> resist a spell directed at you. Makes sense to me. The
> second sentence
> "..interact/affect creatures" seems to indicate that a higher
> charisma means
> you have a better chance of affecting mobs with your songs,
> i.e. less chance
> for them to resist. This reopens the issue I raised last
> week. Example:
> Two 20th level bards attempt to use Lullaby song against a
> 23d level mob.
> One bard has a charisma of 85. The other bard has charisma
> of 100. Singing
> and instrument skills both the same. Based on how I
> interpret Butler's
> comment, the bard with the 100 charisma has a better chance
> of putting the
> mob to sleep. If charisma has no effect on mob resistance,
> then both bards
> would have an equal chance of putting the mob to sleep.
> I would really like to know the correct answer to this issue.
> I wear items
> that increase my charisma for the sole purpose of increasing
> my chances of
> affecting mobs with my songs. I have other items I can wear
> that increase
> other stats as well as improve my AC. If charisma doesn't affect mobs
> resistance, there is no reason, for me to wear the charisma
> increasing items
> unless I am selling stuff to merchants. I guess wearing the
> charisma items
> to reduce my chance of missing notes is a reason to wear them
> but I could
> live with missing the notes in exchange for the benefit the
> other items
> give.
> Galtin of E'ci
> > Butler said there is no correlation between Charisma and
> > one's saves. Your charisma is related to how well you
> > interact/affect creatures. He also mentioned that
> > Bard's singing skill has a check against charisma.
> >
> > I guess this explains where the talk about charisma affecting
> > missed notes started. And the talk about charisma not
> > affecting resists is a misinterpretation (your charisma does
> > not affect *your* resist rate). The entire post is included
> > below if you're interested in the other stuff: