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Message ID: 5285
Date: Mon Aug 16 20:19:26 BST 1999
Author: James Schuldes
Subject: The Quest from Hell or Don;t try this at home kids... (spoilers f or a quest)

(spoiler space - delete now if you don't wanna know)

In my travels across Antonica, I offered to run some folks down from
HighPass Hold. Well one of the party casts Levitate and we set merrily off
down the ramp. As I run down the middle of the canyon, my levi starts to
slowly drop off until I flutter gently to the ground. As I run down the
canyon, who do I meet but the so far totally elusive Milea Clothspinner!
Make a mental note as I pass her - to check with her sister next time I am
in Qeynos.

And lo - Nerissa is still concerned about Milea so I agree to take the note
out to her.

Well, here I am at he base of HH ramp and some time on my hands. And there
is Sellkie (high 20's Paladin) of the Light Brigade so I axe him if he wants
to join me on this quest. And we trot off up the lower canyon to find Milea.
Since Sellkie is not worried about spoilers, I splain to him how this guard
is gonna show up after I give Milea a note and how we or me gotta schwack
this guard but I got no clue about how he cons or what faction hits are
gonna happen if he gets killed.

So, we decide to disband the group and I will con the guard and if it looks
do-able, I will attack him and take what ever factions I get. Sure nuff,
after a brief exchange with Milea, this guard comes marching up and attacks
her. I had conned Milea and she was red to me - now I con the guard and he
is blue or lower to me.

Avast! you bastage - how dare you strike a woman!!! Take this you bastage!
Feel the point of my Ashenwood Short Stabber! Take that -- you bastage!!!

The fight is about even and I am down to half my health and starting to get
a bit worried. I know Sellkie is standing by but I am thinking I gotta
finish this on my own. This is where I got real stoopid. I figger Milea
here can tank for me some and I try to scrape the guard off on her.

But no, somehow I manage to attack Milea too!!! YIKES!!! What did I do??
Either hit a key for an AE song or mouse look targeted her by accident with
auto-attack on. At any rate, I am under half HP and now have a red con
warrior in full steel plate attacking me. So, I yell to Sellkie that the
plan has kinda come unglued and I am gonna zone these two. Well, he gives
me a heal or a LOH and I bolt down the canyon.

Melia chases me and I am running for the Wooden Bridge. Meanwhile, the
guard got pissed at Sellkie and made the mistake of attacking him. The
guard falls easily to Sellkie's blade. Sellkie is shouting "CLOTHSPINNER TO
THE ZONE!!!" "Look out for a Sylly train to the zone" I am laughing so
hard I can barely run. Milea realizes that there is no way she can catch me
and decides to head back to her guard post.

On the way back she spots Sellkie and remembers that he was the one who
helped her attacker (me) and she frenzies on him. Another mistake for her.
Sellkie dispatches her just as I get back to him. Wow - I bet that really
impressed him with my superior cunning and fight skills. Dragged him into
two fights with faction hits he wasn't planning on - wonder if they will
cancel each other or just got worse on both sides??? I got them too but
didn't look closely at them. Another Sylly Quest gone horribly awry!

Sylly Songsynger
Bard of the 21th song
a.k.a. Robo-Bard
Selling Second-hands Swords and Stabbers
somewhere on Innoruuk