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Message ID: 5393
Date: Thu Aug 19 23:25:05 BST 1999
Author: RON_TALBOT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx.xxx
Subject: Jewelery primer

Gentle Bards,

A little made jewelry lore.

(My friend is an enchanter jeweler.) Each gem has a specific
magical effect. (plus str, plus ac and magic resist, pus str and dex
for example) This gem can be combined with 4 different types of
enchanted metal for increasing effect. silver, electrum, gold and
platinum in order of strength. Thus a cat's eye gem combined with
gold is better then the same gem with electrum (7 vrs 4) This is a
VERY expensive trade to work your skill up in and most jewelers are
only doing gold and that with about half the gems. The more powerful
the gem the higher skill level that is needed. I have yet to see any
platinum made jewelry. Each plat bar costs 110pp and your probably
familiar with how many failures it takes to build up your skill at any
trade. A failure destroys the metal and gem... (lets see, a platinum
bar (110) and a ruby(120) ooops failure, thats 230pp down the drain)

So gold jewelry is better then electrum with the same gem. To make it
even more confusing the type of item changes depending on the metal.
A certain gem combined with silver may be an earring but with gold a
necklace. There is no hard rule for the level of bonus but this is a
ROUGH guide

Metal stat Plus hp/mp plus
silver 2-3 5
electrum 3-5 10
gold 4-7 15-20
platinum 5-? 20-35

Better gems may have more then one effect.

If you ever get a black pearl or a diamond as loot DON'T sell them!

Save them till you find a good jeweler and commission him/her to make
jewelry for you. Those two gems are tops as far as I can tell and are
only available as loot. Most gems can be bought from vendors but not
the very best ones. Black pearls add to both str and dex and diamonds
add to 4 different things!

There are many web sites with this info but I though I'd give you all
a quick refresher.

19th level (stuck here forever it seems)

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Charisma boosting items (possible spoilers)
Author: Non-HP-lordartos (lordartos@...) at HP-ColSprings,mimegw5
Date: 8/19/99 6:02 AM

From: Llewrend Lynnhaven <lordartos@...>

About the bracelets, you said you have electrum cat's
eye, which is funny because mine are golden cat's eye,
but they are +7 each. I bought them, didn't ask where
they got them, though.
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