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Message ID: 5441
Date: Mon Aug 23 18:23:58 BST 1999
Author: Llewrend Lynnhaven
Subject: Wrestling with Cyclops (story)

Tell me if stories are innapropriate for the list, I
figure it's easy enough to skip if you don't like....

"Well, Katrick, we've emptied out half of High Hold
Keep tonite, I bet my guildmaster will grant me a new
"You think?"
"Sure, there's one here in the library"
(Kat and Llew head down to library)
"Good eve, good sire, I feel as though I have
completed my training, and would request from you my
26th song"
"Ah grasshopper, well you have done, many pickclaw lie
in their graves for your effort. But I must warn you,
powerful your new song, careful you must be"
"Careful? Why, I'm the most careful person I
know"(smirk)"Right Kat?"
"He's like a grandmother, sir"
"Ah, Very well, here is your new song, learn well the
ways of the Apauling Screech"
(A few minutes later after memorizing his new song,
Kat and Llew are walking through High Hold Pass. They
come upon a voulenteer meleeing with two gnolls)
"Hey Kat, perfect chance to try out my new song, I
could help our friend the voulenteer"
"Go for it, brother"
"Excuse me, Mr. Gnoll, I was just wondering, could you
show me the way to
(two gnolls with ears nearly bleeding run for their
lives, volunteer nearly jumps out of boots and runs
for his life as well)
"That went well, how bout you take out the gnolls,
I'll go apologize to the volunteer"
(Katrick, after dispatching the last gnoll, looks up
to see Llewrend running at full speed towards him)
"He wasn't in the mood for conversation I take it?"
"You know those guards, can't take a joke"(as Llew
goes running by)"Might want to get out of here"
(several guards round the corner, Katrick wisly
decides to take off down the chasm behind Llew)
(At the bottom of the chasm, Kat and Llew stop, out of
breath and tired, but they had managed to loose the
guards. A griffawn flys lazily on the horizon)
"Hey, Llew, remember that time you were sitting by the
inn and a griffawn started smacking you around"
"Yeah that sucked"
"Well, I'll bet you a plat that you can't scare that
"Hmm, your on"
(Kat and Llew use their natural wood elf abilities to
quietly approach a nearly sleeping griffawn, Llew
begins to softly sing....)
"Lullabye, and good night, go to sleep little
(Griffawn nearly looses it's feathers as it bolts at
maximum speed off into the distance)
"That will be 1 plat, please"
"Hmm that was too easy, how about double or nothing?"
"Heh, your on"
"See those big foot prints, they're cyclops tracks,
how about this time you earn that money"
(Llew frowns for a second, this really won't be easy)
"You find him, I'll scare him"
(Llew and Kat see in the distance, one very large
cyclops holding a club, and standing around with his
mouth open, his eyebrow furrowed. Again the two
brothers stealthfully approach the behemoth.)
"Nice day, isn't it, Mr. Cyclops, the kind of day that
(Cyclops soils his loin cloth, and runs away over a
hill. Kat and Llew are rolling on the ground laughing.
Llew is just starting to get up, when Kat makes an
"Hey Llew, seen South Karana lately?"
"Not in a bit, why"
"No reason, it's just that the cyclops is coming back,
I'm thinking it might be a nice place this time of
(Llew turns around to see a very angry large cyclops
running at full speed towards him. Lew goes to get out
his drum and run a away, but fumbles with his back
pack. He looks up to see the cyclops pointing towars a
southern direction, he takes a mighty swing, and Llew
is launched in that direction. While in mid air, Kat
catches up with Llew)
"You know, it's not the swing that hurt so much"
"I know, it's the landing"
(With that both figures crash to the earth, tumble a
few hundred yards, and lie there in a crumpled heap.)
"How does your arm feel Kat?"
"Broken, how bout your legs?"
"Broken, hey, you owe me 2 plat"
"They're in my waist pouch, grab them, they're all
"Can't, hands are broken"
"So what do we do?"
"Laying here sounds good"
"Yeah, that's what I was thinking"
(In Llew's mind he can hear the voice of his
guildmaster "Grasshopper, you have choosen, poorly")

Later, after their wounds were healed, the two are
walking along and see a hill giant in the distance.
"Double or nothing?"
"Your on"

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