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Message ID: 5443
Date: Mon Aug 23 18:42:20 BST 1999
Author: Brangwen
Subject: an account of multiple deaths

>Damn, was last night everyone's night to die multiple times?

It mustve been... as I did 3 times last nite:

Death number 1: We ran to help a party member because she'd been attacked by
what seemed like an entire pride of lions (bad simba!) while trying to run
to HH by herself and the guards in the village she was near were just
watching her die.... mind you, the dying was my own fault as I accidentally
hit two of my hotkeys, and Chords of Dissonance was the hotkey that won (go
figure) so of course a farmer attacked (green to me) and then a guard
attacked (red - ouch) and killed me.

Running back from Freeport (I own several drums, most of which I keep in the
bank for just this purpose) I went thru Riverdale, where I'd tried to get a
bind but there were only six people in the zone, none of which had the bind
capability, and the rest of my group were still back in EK. Made it back -
no evil eyes through the gorge (whew), looted my corpse and rejoined the

Death number 2: We were fighting Undead Reavers and Gnoll Reavers and our
runner brought several which also brought a griffawn.... usually we try to
keep everything in a clump, makes it easier for our two paladins to taunt
them away, but for some reason at least half of them went after me,
including the Griffawn - mind you, most of the things he brings back are
blue and up to me - mostly yellow and red, as my party mostly consisted of
19s and 20s with the exception of me (15) and another paladin who was also
15. Then a couple of wolves joined in the fray. Anyway, I tried to run, but
five things were hitting me for at least 20-40 damage a whack.... "you have
been slain by an undead reaver".

*Sigh* Okay, relearn songs and get one of my other drums (I actually own
four as Friday I died once and Saturday I died twice and really didn't want
to run slowly). Then I head back out from Freeport. East Commons, West
Commons.... I run by the first derv camp on the way to kith zone.... I run
very close by, too closely by, what I think is an ogre hunting at the camp,
but NO.... it's a derv and a huge red one to me... hitting a little
defenseless nekkid bard.... ack... why is selos not outrunning him???? DEAD
(I almost made it to the zone too). I get back to Freeport only to find that
I didn't have the run key on -ARGH - what? I lost my level !!?!! ARGGGGGH.
This is when I realize that when you die, run goes back to walk, and I
didn't know that...... what a way to learn it tho... grrrrrrrrr

Luckily for me, my L20 enchanter husband is on, and in freeport doing some
working on his jeweler skill, so he agrees to help me run back to the group
and help me get my level back. I temporarily disband from orig group and
party up with him (for fast feet purposes). We run all the way to Riverdale
with no problems... he binds me there... and then we get to the gorge.......
we start to run fast thru it, but there are a couple of minotaurs and evil
eyes which someone is training and they're coming our way so we have to zone
back into runnyeye... we try it again and he decides we should invis
ourselves. As Selos makes the invis wear off, we end up having to run
slowly... but his invis wears off right as an evil eye spawns... i'm ahead
of him, and, as he's sitting at his computer next to me, i hear him say,
"ack, go! go! get to the zone", I peek over and see what's after him, then
hear him say to himself, "ack, 32 points of damage, 44, ouch.. c'mon,
c'mon... almost there", and we barely make it to the zone..... WHEW!

NO MORE DYING!!! I think to myself.... We get back, I loot and we join up
with them. This is where I decide to stand back and help the party by just
singing Hymn with my lute and bellowing at the bad guys, maybe even singing
the wince song should it be necessary... and also throwing in a weave of
Anthem to help with the attack speed and such.... hmmm... doesn't seem like
they need my melee much at all :) I get my level back right away and help
two others who level fairly quickly (adding my husband to the party did help
too, as both he and another spellcaster had pets - so we had, in effect, 6+
2pets to fight them with). We end on a happy note 3 people level and all can
go to bed as its late.

Whew :) Sweet Dreams.... One last note: Don't play when you're tired... you
make too many mistakes that way..... :)

Brangwen <New OutRiders>
Lavender-Eyed Lady of Song
L15, Wood Elf Bard, The Rathe