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Message ID: 5458
Date: Tue Aug 24 00:28:20 BST 1999
Author: Lomack
Subject: Re: Frustration Story (OT - Long)

>There are possible spoilers here. Skip if you don't want them. Also told OOC
>as I was too frustrated to spice it up. (grin)


>I con them all and they're all Amiable to me. Hrm.. what did I ever do for
>them? Odd. Ok, this is where I admittedly made a really bad use of common
>sense. Instead of making a wide path around them, I figured since they were
>amiable to me I could just run right by and wave as I did it. After all,
>they like me right?
>I didn't see who hit me. I didn't see what damage they did. I was simply
>slain. No dropping of the health bar. Just slain.


>Trying to figure out why they attacked me I make a circle around the temple
>making sure to con everything there. Ah, there it is. Chief Dooga.
>Threateningly. How rude. Oh well, no time to ask him what his problem is,
>gotta get my corpse. I inch my way down while bashing on my /corpse hot key
>when all the sudden the Ogre's notice me. Without thinking I turned and ran
>hoping maybe I'd just lead them far enough away then go in a circle back to
>the temple and /corpse my body along to the zone border or something. How
>fast can big Ogre's run anyway? Took a little damage this time, but still
>alive and running. Hit F9 a couple times to see how far behind me they are
>and notice something.. "Chief Dooga's Pet" is on my tail - and closing fast.
>What an Ogre has a wolf for, I don't know. I run fast..

I am sorry to hear about all those deaths. I hope your wife wasn't getting
impatient waiting for you in Halas.
The problem that you ran into with the ogres is that there are a total of 5
ogres there. Tow Oger Guards both about level 20 Shadow Knights. 2 Oger
Shamen also about level 20. The 5th one is Chief Dooga, who just so
happens to be about a level 30 Shadow Knight. Occasionally a level 30
Female ogre shamen will spawn there as well.
All the ogres except the chief won't bother you (untill you kill them
enough times) however if the Chief sees you he will order his troups to
attack. You died so fast each time because:
1. All the ogre's are sowed due to the shamen
2. You probably got hit with about 700 damage in harm touches from the 2
level 20s and the one level 30 Shadow Knight.
3. The wolf pet probably belonged to the rare female ogre shamen.

Again sorry to hear about the death, but I did like the story. Same kind
of thing happened to me at the brownie village in Lesser Faydark. My
screen filled up with debuff spells and then I died a moment later.
Unfortunately for me I didn't know at the time you could use invis and the
/corpse command, so I was left to running through the camp as fast as
possible with selos on and moving my body out inch by inch, death by death
till it was far enough away that I could loot safely. I've since learned
my sesson since Beta and I con everything now, even stuff that looks like
it should have been green 20 levels ago. :)

Lomack, Knight Defender of the BCK
Master of Recruiting
"The Crimson Knights"
Fennin Ro