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Message ID: 5530
Date: Tue Aug 24 20:43:27 BST 1999
Author: JasonF
Subject: Re: Corpse Recoveries

Well don't get my wrong, I've spent endless hours helping people retrieve
their corpses from all kinds of sticky situtations - just not last night.

One time a guy on Fennin Ro was with a group that sumbled into the Cyclops
camp on the top of the hill near that ogre camp. He died *at the feet* of the
cyclopses. His buddies gave him a few gold pieces and a slap on the back and
told him he was SOL. I initially heard him some time after that /shouting
"Can someone PLEASE help me retrieve my corpse?" Well I was only level 5 at
the time and had just gotten Selo's and a drum, so I /tell him and meet up
with him. To make a long (four hour) story short, I ended up Selo'ing up and
speeding through the cyclops camp. They followed me around the zone for about
30 minutes (I was the source of much /shouting) because my new-found friend
got frightened and turned-around and lost his bearings. So I towed the
Cyclops brothers around the zone while he looked for his corspse without my
assistance. He eventually found it and looted it. By this time I had the
cyclops brothers and two or three each of bears, lions and wolves on my tail.
I took them to a nice secluded zone border and zoned out, waited for a couple
of minutes and then zoned back in.

I was a freakin' HERO to this guy. To this day he never fails to /tell me
when he's online.

Jason A. Farqu´┐¢
CDI at http://www.pigging.com/

----- Original Message -----
From: Kimes, Dean W. <Dean_Kimes@...>
To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 1999 2:09 PM
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Corpse Recoveries

> From: "Kimes, Dean W." <Dean_Kimes@...>
> I can see both sides of the point here. I usually want to help whenever I
> can and admit I have even foolishly helped someone get their corpse from the
> heart of the Ogre Camp. I didn't die, but I probably should have. I'm sure
> many people were amazed who saw this lone bard racing across W Karana with 8
> or so ogres in tow. I let them take a rest stop at guard tower number two
> while I raced on to the zone. I imagine they made short work of the poor
> guards there, but hey that's why they get hazard pay! Hopefully they paused
> at tower one or their way as well, 'cause after I zoned back in from Q Hills
> the remains of their angry band were meandering back towards the camp. Its
> amazing how easy it is to loot a body in the middle of a now empty ogre
> camp, no one goes near the place to bother you!
> Kitasi of E'ci
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Blair, Keith (Keith Blair) [mailto:kblair@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 1999 1:06 PM
> To: eqbards@onelist.com
> Subject: RE: [eqbards] Corpse Recoveries
> From: "Blair, Keith (Keith Blair)" <kblair@...>
> > How would others have handled this situation?
> Exactly as you did. There's no bank there to store
> your items in. There's absolutely NO reason for you
> to have put yourself in jeopardy like that. If it
> was a friend, I would have gone to Qeynos, banked my
> stuff and came back - but for someone you just know
> by seeing occasionally, and you were getting ready
> to log out? "Best wishes.."
> Two corpses are worse than one.
> > Do others have experiences where players feel
> > like just because we can located we're somehow
> > *obligated* to do so regardless of the
> > circumstances or dangers?
> Personally, I wouldn't even bother to ask someone to
> help me retrieve my corpse in a horribly dangerous
> situation like that. When I died in the Ogre camp
> I asked for help of higher level characters and told
> them what I needed help with so that they knew before
> even answering. Even when I found one willing to help,
> they backed out when he saw just how many Ogre's were
> there. I thanked him and let him go. No use making
> him die too.
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