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Message ID: 5792
Date: Sun Aug 29 20:49:58 BST 1999
Author: Arwen
Subject: Lord Nagafens Demise

My fellow bards I bring you good news indeed, yesterday late in the evening,
upon the innoruuk server, Lord Nagafen was lain low! A party of over 50
mighty heroes had gathered under Lord Thulaaks banner to attempt this mighty
undertaking. I was there as well, to chronicle the event and slake my
curiousity. The dragon cursed us well, causing us to be caught in his evil
trance known as "linkdead" man ytimes as we made our way to his lair. Many
a brave hero resisted the curse and fought on senselessly until their wits
were once again restored to them, and our clerics were busy calling souls
back from the heavens. My hands and voice trembled so that I could only sing
one song! Finally we had overcome the last of the mighty firegiants who
guard the great beast. At this point lord Thulaak shared his battleplan with
us. His thoughts on the matter were sound. Four warriors and a cleric or
druid were grouped together as a battle unit. A bard was to be grouped with
the pure casters in the back, to strengthen their will and enable them to
cast more often. All those that could bind were to attune themselve to the
hall. "You will die, and die often, make no mistake on that:" Lord Thulaak
said. "Your deaths will not be in vain though and the good clerics will
bring you back again and again till the beast is dead and we are
victorious!" We cheered him then and formed our battlelines. 4 bards were
there, Beirdolf, Aanile, Weindayne, and myself. The dragon heard our
singing and took instant dislike to my voice, summoning me to his side he
crushed me with one great blow from his paw... I awoke to Lord Grifters
gentle voice calling me back to the world of men. I was needed to sing to
him as many more corpses littered the area. I had missed the dragons death,
and his corpse was before me! Lord Thulaak gathered us round the beast and
began to distribute its great wealth. A diamond went to a jeweler of great
skill, Deelen the monk received a magical box, and Beridolf 's music will
now be enhanced forevermore but the drums found within the horde. I was also
awarded a prize from the horde my friends, the Orb of Tishan was gifted to
me by Lord Thulaak himself. On my honor I did not expect anything but a
great tale from this adventure! I feel most fortunate indeed! Join me now in
raising a glass to toast the death of the dragon!

For those of you curious as to the stats of the item they are listed below:

Orb of Tishan

1H Blunt, Att 25, Dam 7, Wt 1.5
Str +9 Sta +9 Mana +35
Effect: Tashania
Class: Bard, Nec, Wiz, Mag, Ench
Race: All
Elyana Silvanae
Bardess of the 36th Chorus
Ambassador to the Ridgerunners
Innoruuk Server