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Message ID: 5855
Date: Tue Aug 31 22:19:50 BST 1999
Author: Christine
Subject: Re: Forage and Sense heading (was Re: Sonorous Clouding message)

>Supposedly, in an upcoming patch, the zone you are in will have an impact
>what item you can forage. This was brought up on the EQBrewers list in
>reference to morning dew, which is a component of elven wine. Verant has
>stated its in the game but no one has been able to find it. Assuming this
>is true, you would expect to find morning dew in Greater/Lesser Faydark.
>Guess we will have to wait and see what happens.

Did they say it was live? I know it was on the test server, but I don't
think it is in game yet.

I'm also a ranger and am on the ranger mailing list - no one has mentioned
finding anything strange yet.

The only thing I've noticed is that rarely when I forage I'll get no item,
and no failure message either. Perhaps those are the times when I'm supposed
to be foraging something ELSE, but it is only half implemented? A friend of
mine said that he noticed this lack of message bug usually while in Greater
Faydark. (I had just thought it was a lag thing or some minor bug before.)

Daleia d'Allaney