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Message ID: 5973
Date: Thu Sep 2 08:48:40 BST 1999
Author: zen@casrock.com
Subject: (OT) Zone Crash Bug (Long)

I had never had a problem with any serious bugs until this list started
talking about them so much (thanks, guys =P). Now I can't seem to avoid
them, it's insane how many of these things I've run over in the past
week or two.

In reference to the dying-as-you-zone-and-comming-out-at-full-health
bug, I had an interesting variation of that happen to me yesterday on
the Tallon Zek (PvP-Teams) server.

I was hunting in a group in the Gorge, slaying mino's and muddites, when
some poor sap trained an Evil Eye to the runnyeye zone (close to where
my party was hunting). Well, most of my group was smart (and quick)
enough to zone out in time, but I (being the fool I am) decided to climb
up the wall and see if I couldn't sit just out of the eye's sight.

Well, that worked for a bit, long enough for an older (19-20 IIRC)
magician to come and try his luck on the eye. Well, he was doing all
right, he got the allready hurt eye down to just a sliver, when all of a
sudden, he stopped fighting. Well, I didn't realize what happened right
away, but he had been charmed. Anyways, me being the fool that I am,
decided to help the magician out. I jumped off the wall and jumped in
to face the eye head on. This is where I will point out that my
character on Tallon Zek is only 13th level right now, and not much of a
match for an eye at all. =)

Well, needless to say, I was quickly knocked down to half a bubble and
was making my way to the zone. Just as I hit the zone wall, I crashed
out of EQ.

Upon returning to Norrath, the character screen showed my wireframe in
full armour and my location was Runny Eye. Good enough, I must have
made it!

So I enter the world and meet with my party who are all amazed to see me
alive. (This is when I noticed I was back to full health).
Well, we try to regroup and realize we can't (fair enough, I had just
gone LD, and my ghost was still grouped with them.) So we all camp to
fix the problem.

Upon returning to the character select screen, I notice my wireframe is
now naked, and my location was Rivervale (my current bind spot).
This startled me a bit, but hey, I must have somehow died while camping
(after this last week of bugs, it wouldn't suprize me).

So I enter the world, hurry on to Runnyeye and go looking for my corpse.
Well, /corpse reported that I didn't have a corpse in the zone.
Strange, I thought. Well, I zoned into Beholder again to rejoin my
party and see if they had seen anything.

Well, one of my group members reported that he had just seen me charmed
by an evil eye and was following it around dutifully as it's pet. (Note,
it had been almost an hour since the battle with the eye at this point).

Well, after all was said and done, this is what I figured out happened:

Just as I zoned, I was hit by the (then) charmed magician and dropped.
(not killed.) My computer crashes. My character then splits into two.
The first one is laying on the ground in Beholder, the second is zoning
into runnyeye linkdead. Well, the one in beholder regains conciousness
and is then quickly charmed by the Evil Eye. Theone in runnyeye zones
in with less than 1 hit, and the server gets confused and gives me full
When I camped, the server realized there were two of me, and promptly
had them both killed, and one of the corpses removed. I later found my
corpse way into the maze in the gorge, much further than I ever could
have gotten safely without a bit of help.

All in all, I'm about ready for bug week to end =) This new patch has
something against me, and I want to know what it is before my corpse
ends up not comming back next time =)

Take care,
Lokar of The Soerbaird, 15th Bard, Fennin Ro
Spite, 13th Rogue, Tallon Zek

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