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Message ID: 6069
Date: Fri Sep 3 19:12:53 BST 1999
Author: Scott Thompson
Subject: RE: Hero or Kamakazi Pilot

A month ago, a Paladin did the same thing for my bard- and got 50pp
for it. He was shocked and shouted thanks in OOC for the 50pp. I could
almost HEAR some of the other paladins in zone turning green 8)

-----Original Message-----
From: JasonF [mailto:JasonF@...]
Sent: Friday, September 03, 1999 11:01 AM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Hero or Kamakazi Pilot

From: "JasonF" <JasonF@...>


Last night I was in Unrest and a mini-train was taking my party apart. We
called "run" so I hit selo's and broke for the zone when I got down to a
single bubble. I was doing ok, but I was having to stop and go trying to
everyone in Selo's range. It's a long way from the back yard to the zone
(plus I was a couple of pounds encumbered - stupid) and I wasn't going to
it. I got rooted by a Ghoul near the fountains in the front yard and
proceeded to die. I stopped Selo's and fired it back up to break the root
about that time I hit the ground unconcious. Just then a Paladin laid hands
on me - while on the ground unconcious. I popped back up with almost full
health and broke for the zone amazed. I made it out with the majority of my
group that time. This Paladin wasn't in our group, he was just some 25th
level dude that was watching the train go by and saw me fall. I scrolled
trying to see who'd Laid On Hands but the name didn't appear. So I started
/telling around asking people until I found him and I thanked him profusely.
He only gets to do this once per game day, so it was pretty gratious of him.

Crier, 18th song Bard on Fennin Ro

Jason A. Farqu´┐¢
CDI at http://www.pigging.com/

----- Original Message -----
From: <John.Curry@...>
To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
Sent: Friday, September 03, 1999 11:08 AM
Subject: [eqbards] Hero or Kamakazi Pilot

> From: John.Curry@...
> I had a disturbing situation happen the other day. I was sharing the
> sisters bandit camp in Lesser fay with a group of 3 others. All of the
> other players were 15-16 level and in a group, and consisted of a Ranger,
> Bard, and a Magician. At the time I was 15th level and am quite capable
> soloing the camp while alone, so I wasen't milking off them. We had a
> thing going and were being very friendly to one another untill something
> happend.
> I was waiting for my spawn, when I heared the sounds of battle behind me.
> figured that they were killing a giant spider or somthing in between
> as I often do. But something didn't sound right. I turned around to see
> the 16th level Bard and the 15th level Ranger, attacking a named Brownie.
> My jaw dropped as I asessed the situation. The brownie was hardly hit at
> all and the two where below half health already. Now was my time for snap
> deciscions. Should I help out, or should I bug out.
> I knew that they would die if they stayed, but I thought that the 16th
> would kick in Selo's and run for the zone pulling the little nasty with
> and saving the party. Thats what I would do. Well I waited and the spell
> caster managed to get off some big spells taking its health down about a
> quarter, just as the Bard and the Ranger dropped. By this time I had my
> drum in hand and Selo's playing, I whacked the Brownie and headed for the
> Greater Fay zone. Much to my surprise, I could not out-run him by much,
> he stayed on my tail all the way to the zone, where I got out with a
> of life.
> Now I'm feeling pretty good at this point, because I managed to save the
> Spell Caster. But as I'm healing in the entrance to the lesser fay, the
> Bard who died came up and started bitching me out for not helping. I told
> him that he was dead from the first hit, and asked him why he did not Selo
> out for the zone with his party, but that just made him more mad.
> I ended up stopping for the night to try think of anything I could have
> better, it all happend so fast. Any suggestions?
> Sevin 16th Human Bard
> Brell Server
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