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Message ID: 6093
Date: Sun Sep 5 23:57:58 BST 1999
Author: Mike McGovern
Subject: A little more H2H

Christopher Mills wrote:

> From: Christopher Mills <xopher@...>
> > It may be one of those skills that doesn't go up
> > except upon success. I spent a half hour running around with
> > a level 1 monk wondering why he was rarely hitting for more
> > than 1 point of damage when I finally got the "You have become
> > better and hand to hand (1)" message, after which it went up
> > pretty quickly. (Doh - remember to train at least one point
> > in each weapon skill. :-)
> I could believe this. What I was suprised by was not so much that my HtH
> skill wasn't increasing, but that none of the other combat skills were
> either... I suppose I could understand Dual Wield not going, since I had
> my second hand occupied, but Offense? I'll have to try it more.

Nope, you can "dual wield" fists, even with instruments equipped, I do it all the
time. You were probably just suffering from EQs fine "random" number
generator, which seems to be anything but. :) I also smithed for a long time, and
would get *long* successions of failures, (which I expected, this is smithing,
after all) followed by several successes in a row. Very annoying...
