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Message ID: 6119
Date: Tue Sep 7 15:14:12 BST 1999
Author: Rokenn Swiftsong
Subject: Bard Nuking was:Re: Instruments vs. Melee quandry

I have always referred to this tactic as Bard Nuking. You create a hot key
bank with your secondary weapon slot and one general inventory slot. Hot
key the following songs: Denon's disruptive discord, Chords of dissounces,
Hymn of restoration, and Psalm of Warmth (the last is a personal favorite
due to the damage shield).

Equip your horn and have your lute 'held' on your mouse pointer. Fire off
DDD, when the wince message flashes stop DDD and start CoD while equiping
your Lute. When the wince message shows, start either Hynm or Psalm
depending on the flow of battle. When the third song starts, stop it and
restart DDD while equiping your horn.

The benefits are huge for this DDD does around 20 damage a round (round = 6
seconds) for 3 rounds (first round plus two more) it also lowers AC making
it easier for tanks to hit for more damage. CoD does around 14 damage a
round for 3 rounds. Since both these songs are AE this damage is done to
all your targets (which can draw alot of attention to the bard). Hymn will
of course heal the whole party every round. Psalm is great in that it gives
all party members a 5 pt fire based damage shield that stacks with all other
non-cold based damage shields. Besure to have a good cleric around as if
there is more the 2 or 3 mobs you will get pounded hard.

Rokenn Swiftsong - Karana server
Master Craftsmen of Societus Argenti

BTW I have unintentionally stolen kills from people using this combo :p

>From: "Elijah Meeker" <elijah@...>
>Subject: [eqbards] Instruments vs. Melee quandry
>Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 09:01:08 -0500
>From: "Elijah Meeker" <elijah@...>
>Hail all,
>I am level 24, armed with a dragoon dirk and a Polished Granite tomahawk.
>Recently a level 29 bard stopped by our group in SolA with a train
>and ended up getting the kill with his horn on several goblins. I was
>flabergasted (given that we have a level 28 warrior and level 26 cleric and
>wizard). So I have been playing the the horn and Dennons Dischord then
>swapping to the lute for chains or lull, then back to the horn. It's really
>really hard to say, but I MAY be doing more damage now...do we have hard
>figures on DDD? I am very very curious.
>Tszaaz E'Taurguin