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Message ID: 6213
Date: Wed Sep 8 19:56:33 BST 1999
Author: CYR, Thierry
Subject: RE: Help!! I need advice!

for strenght items, get a platinum (7str, 7wis) or silver ruby veil (4str,
4 wis)
earings can get cheap +3 str ones or go abit more and get +4str/+2int ones.
for rings there's electrum ruby rings that give 4sr/2wis or get something
cheaper, jagged bands are becoming more and more common too and have 3str 2
ac i think. Dont fear your str much as the more you level the less its a

my base str is 85 and im up to 98 now (one of my lower stats)
my base str with my items on me is 62 and im in full steel (visible) and
have 2 silver plated bracers (7ac, 7disease/7poison resist and weight is
minimul on em). so right there i can loot a nice amount of stuff, but as i
said the more you level the better you'll be off, im 30 and have a box of
aku-bar (weightless items in it and holds 10 slots) and got an evil eye bag
(reduces weight 75%) so my weight rarely goes over 75 (damn coppers are

jewelry i have on is mostly dex/agi/charisma oriented. you may want to get
a blackened crown to raise your str of 5 and all resists by 5 as well. If
you can get the 2 ogre heads in butcherblock then you have a good chance of
getting a crown by completing the quest in kaladim, thats how i acquired my
crown when i had one.

my stat boosting items are:
crested helm (6str/3char)
oppaline earing (5char)
4str/2int earing (4str/2int)
golden black pearl choker (7dex/7agi i think, cant remember)
Platinum Star Ruby veil (soon to be replaced by a guise of deceiver i hope)
(9dex/9char i think)
electrum Star ruby ring (7dex/5char)
gold star ruby ring (5dex/7char) (one of each metal as one is 7dex 5 char
and the other is opposite)
silver plated bracers (low weight, look like plate and 7 resist
cloak of the icebear (i forgot the stats)
bloodstained mantle (i forgot the stats)

So you see most of my stuff is charisma and dex and some agi
im at 98str
119 charisma
124 dex
and 121 agi i think

I dunno if this helps you any, but might give you ideas what to keep an eye
out for. the plat star ruby veil is much cheaper to make then the plat ruby
veil as the star ruby is only 68pp or so.
the 3str earings usually go for about 30-40pp each.

Dont worry too much, you will start making money, just give it time. I know
i remember vividly the high teens low 20's and i would never loot anything
but money almost cause i was always encumbered. it sucks i know but that
time will pass and you will start getting nice boosting items and the armor
you're seeking.

Minkin Nehoc
Sol ro
Forever 30th

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michal Hobson [SMTP:given@...]
> Sent: September 8, 1999 1:52 PM
> To: EQBards
> Subject: [eqbards] Help!! I need advice!
> Hail and well met fellow bards of Norrath,
> I come to you today with several small problems looking for assistance and
> advice. When I first joined this list, you all seemed to think that the
> major component of a bard's attributes was Charisma, so on all of the
> suggestions I axed my human bard with low charisma (who's body I could not
> recover anywho) and made my half-elf bard with a whopping 110 starting
> charisma. Anyway.....
> That has now come back to bite me in the ass. I am now at level 20
> (FINALLY!!!!!!) and am in search of bronze plate. Unfortunately, med
> bronze seems incredibly rare (and expensive-I still haven't found the cash
> cow that everyone talks about hehe) to purchase. So I am now in
> Permafrost where the bronze lives. So now I have 3 pieces-breastplate,
> sleeves (vambraces, whatever) and a mask. Only problem is that now I am
> only 10 from my total carrying weight (which is a whopping 82 buffed). I
> plan on just getting the visible pieces, minus the boots-they just seem so
> uncomfortable. With a pair of greaves, one bracer and the helm, I shan't
> be able to carry anything anymore!
> Here are my questions:
> Please tell me of STR items it would be possible for me to get. (I have
> one ring (I forget what kind) +2, and a purity belt, and a spiked collar.)
> Please bear in mind that I am poor (50pp in the bank on a good day) and I
> like to live.
> Also if any other people out there know off the cuff, who drops the
> greaves (bronze leggings) and the bronze helm in Permafrost. Is it a
> named somebody or is it a random thing?
> Thank you all in advance!
> Weiland Spellsong
> 20th chorus bard of Erollisi Marr
> Disciples of Truth