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Message ID: 6338
Date: Fri Sep 10 18:52:03 BST 1999
Author: Talies the Wanderer
Subject: Bards rule.

Last night, in Lake Rathe, I grouped with an Ogre Shadowknight and a
Half-elf Rogue. We were working on Aviak guards on an island all to
ourselves, and doing fine - finishing each guard with no more than half a
bubble or so down each. I needed to go to bed, but since I have a great
connection, I told them that I could stay logged in, and sleeping nearby
while playing the Hymn, so they could take advantage of it. Cheesy, yeah,
but I was curious about something. I sat and watched while they fought,
and round after round, they were finishing almost nearly the same as if I
had been fighting. Whether there was some other dynamic force in effect I
wasn't aware of, I don't know - but it seems almost as though I didn't even
need to be there.

Then the Rogue had to leave, something about bloodclaws, and that left the
SK fighting alone, well, him and his skellie, and I stayed watching, just
to see what would happen (and in case he got waxed - I'm not stupid ;).
For the next hour, he fought - never dropping below three bubbles, and when
he did, he'd just back close enough to me to start healing again. At one
time, an Aviak decided I was doing too good a job and started pounding on
me, but it wasn't much, so I just let it while the Ogre continued to fight.
After that, I guess he decided that it was too dangerous to play like that
with me "unconcious", so he disbanded the party, and went in search of a
group (about ten minutes later, they took over the nest again).

All in all, I am incredibly impressed with our ability - just by sitting
there, playing the Lute, I made such a significant difference that he was
"soloing" things that were yellow to him. That's just amazing.

Talies the snoozing Wanderer