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Message ID: 6350
Date: Fri Sep 10 20:18:51 BST 1999
Author: JasonF
Subject: Disenchanting

At level 20 I was looking ahead a song or two in the list at what I'll be
receiving soon. ADM is up at 22nd.

Now I've read on this list the my fellow bards have not been able to figure
out if Alenia's Disenchanting Melody does anything of value. I recall that
the discussion centered around the song 'not removing harmful effects or DoTs'
or something to that effect.

The title of the tune though is "Disenchanting". This implies to me that it
removes magical enchantment from *items*. Since it is unlikely to remove the
MAGIC status of a weapon altogether, perhaps it removes "procs" that a weapon
might have. Has anyone gone into an Arena, run ADM and seen if procing
weapons didn't proc on you? Maybe a Staff of Writhing and a PGT against you
and ADM?

Jason A. Farqu´┐¢
CDI at http://www.pigging.com/