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Message ID: 6353
Date: Fri Sep 10 20:34:53 BST 1999
Author: Kimes, Dean W.
Subject: RE: Song Tactics in HighKeep was Just a bit of fun (lon gish)

I must agree, I am only 16th level and I only Bellow when soloing, otherwise
its Anthem, Hymn, and hopefully barring lag, Chords or Rhythyms.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rokenn Swiftsong [mailto:rokenn@...]
Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 1:34 PM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Song Tactics in HighKeep was Just a bit of fun
(lon gish)

From: "Rokenn Swiftsong" <rokenn@...>

hehe one of the bards I saw doing this was 34th, they should know better.
It is easy to tell they are only bellowing since the bellow messages are
very close together. And the standard combat lined I use is available to a
Bard of only 25 songs. Even at 25th level where psalm only gives a 4 pt
damage shield it is still much more effective then a bellow in the over all
damage scheme. It does seem the the High keep basement is immune to the
Z-axis bug, as I have used melodic binding in a two bard party in both the
warrior and raider room :)

Rokenn Swiftsong - Karana server
Master Craftsmen of Societus Argenti

>From: James Schuldes <jgs@...>
>Reply-To: eqbards@onelist.com
>To: "'eqbards@onelist.com'" <eqbards@onelist.com>
>Subject: RE: [eqbards] Song Tactics in HighKeep was Just a bit of fun (lon
>Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 14:16:06 -0500
>From: James Schuldes <jgs@...>
>Ya gotta remember the other bards might not be at the same lev u r. If you
>got charm and mez - u r not in the lookout room <g> you're a couple levels
>deeper! I know I get lots of good advice from a fellow bard but it usually
>includes using a couple songs that I don't get for a couple more levels -
>careful readers saw one today - I asked of which 2 songs is better at
>slowing attack speeds and I got told that 2 other songs are better - well
>that's all fine and dandy but I don't got them songs (not even pre-bought
>cuz I know what bad luck that brings ya <g>).
>So - ya we bellow - but that might be the best we got? And there maybe a
>couple "surge of strength..." and "protected by magical aura..." that u
>don't see (cuz u r not grouped with them) between the bellows u do see.
>BTW - I got pretty brave now - in HighKeep I'll use Denon's and Lullaby --
>AE or Z-axis seem to be no problems. Well the other rooms are well camped
>usually but I don't see any hits or misses on stuff from the other rooms.
>Only potential problems is some gobbie train goes up and Guards come down
>chasing it back down - saw Captn Boesic ks'ing on the ramp the other day -
>offered to train him out for 20pp but got no takers :-) Or if u run up
>chasin some gobbie and forget and leave Denons on.
>Hehe AE and Z axis are not just deadly indoors.........there I was...pullin
>for my group off the aviak villiage. So I run in to nab something and it
>musta been right after a fight - we were all SoW'd (which I normally rant
>about but was a good thing this time) and I musta forgot and left Denons on
>- so I make a fast lap around the trees and don't see nutthin - then hmm a
>harrier at the ramp - bellow! /g inc harrier run back the party - turn
>around and .... 6 birties including Mr Avo!!! "Nice pull Sylly!" LOADING,
>PLEASE WAIT The rest of the party took off for the zone and lived.
>So my 1 thru 4 hot keys are buff du jour (anthem or chant depending on if
>party likes str or dex), bellow, denons, chains - this is for me being
>battle bard and in melee combat. Other song loaded are lullaby, guardian
>rythmns, hymn, and jig (hmm usually have selos up too but inside Keep no
>need really.)

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