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Message ID: 6398
Date: Mon Sep 13 15:19:51 BST 1999
Author: Elijah Meeker
Subject: Re: My Mistmoore Experience

>Did you notice any backstabs? The Mistmoore residents have a backstab
>that a level 50 rogue would envy. *rubs her punctured backside*

That might explain it, a backstab right before the Kaboom would have done

I retired happily to kinder gentler climes however, and last night solo'd 3
blue skellies in Lake rathetear using only horn and lute. They kept knocking
me back and I finally I wound up at the top of the cliff pressed against the
zone edge, it was pretty funny.

*waves* hope to run across you again! (what level are you now?)

Tszaaz E'Taurguin