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Message ID: 6422
Date: Mon Sep 13 19:51:23 BST 1999
Author: Janko S.
Subject: My first impression of the desert (story)


This is a short story about an event that happened to me earlier today.
I'm an lvl 9 wood elf bard and I just came to Freeport to meet a friend and
to buy songs for further usage. I decided that it would be nice to look at
the desert so I went in the Northern Ro and killed a couple of orc riders.
They were all blue to me. Then I met a tarantula, yellow to me, and I
attacked her, I just wanted to see if I could win. I started twisting
Jonthans's whistling war song with Hymn of Restoration and sometimes I added
Chords of Dissonance. I can't twist more than two songs because of the lag.
On the end I managed to kill the tarantula with 11 hp left and then when I
finally relaxed KABOOM :) an orc rider attacked me. I was hit for 16 damage
with his first blow and knocked down unconscious. I was still singing the
Hymn when he knocked me down so my health was rising slowly. Then I regained
consciences and KABOOM I was on the ground again. At that time I thought I
was dead and I just waited for a message LOADING....
I waited and waited and waited.... I waited for 6 minutes and 34
seconds. Then I regained conscious again and I pressed my Call for help
button. No one was around and I was on the floor again. I waited for 4 or 5
more minutes while the orc was hitting me and then finally I regained
consciences and he missed. So there was I with 3 hp left and I gave him a
blow for 4 damage and then he gave me a blow for 10 damage and then here we
go again.... me on the ground.... me standing KABOOM.... me on the
ground.... and so on and on and on.... I was hitting him point by point
until I have won the battle, with 3 or 4 hp. The whole thing lasted for 23
minutes and I don't have to say that the only thing that kept me alive was
my song. After the battle I have equipped my drum, played Selo's and
returned to Freeport without a nerve left in my body.

I hope you liked the story.

A bard with 9 songs