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Message ID: 6443
Date: Tue Sep 14 00:06:42 BST 1999
Author: Jamie
Subject: Re: OT - clip frame?

From what I've experienced in other games, the plane clip is how far away
things will appear in your view all at one time...like, with full clip
plane, you might be able to see a goblin 100 paces away, whereas with the
lowest, you might have to be within 80paces, or whatever...basically, you
adjust this to the quality of your internet connection, your computer's
processor speed, and the quality of your video card. I put it all the way
down, simply because I have been getting alot of lag lately, and any way I
can assuage this is good :).

----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Roach <mroach@...>
To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
Sent: Monday, September 13, 1999 5:50 PM
Subject: RE: [eqbards] OT - clip frame?

> From: Mike Roach <mroach@...>
> This isn't directly bard related, but did anyone ever figure out what the
> "clip frame" slider is for in the options/display menu? I asked a guide
> once a couple weeks ago and about a week after I noticed it and the guide
> didn't even know!
> -Faras
> >
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