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Message ID: 6454
Date: Tue Sep 14 02:28:38 BST 1999
Author: Tarrax
Subject: Re: Digest Number 331

Well, the cli plane is for a future patch that will in fact allow those
with Really Hot Systems to extend the viewing range to the horizon. They
warn it will be very slow on most machines, so lower is better for this. BTW
it is not dependent on your ISP connection as the graphics are totally
independant from the position updating that you get from the server. It just
says move that here, or put that there. Your PC does all the work. Even when
I am getting dumped (ie: numbers go yellow, then red, then bye bye) I can
still run around at full speed, and when I log back in most times I am where
I was when I was finally timed out, not when I first lost the server. Hope
this helps.

Kasail Quinair