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Message ID: 6458
Date: Tue Sep 14 04:47:41 BST 1999
Author: Benjamin Jerrad Segal
Subject: Breaking root broken

About an hour ago in Unrest, I was pulling stuff from the first floor.
The group I was in had a druid who kept everyone sow'd, so I was only
planning on using Selo's inside the house if a ghoul rooted me.

Or rather I should say when a ghoul rooted me, as in so many trips in it's
bound to happen. And when it did, I got a rather nasty shock as Selo's
neither took effect nor broke the root. There was no message whatsoever,
and I was beat down two bubbles before I made it outside.

Fair warning from here, if not from eqnews.txt.

Athren Notechaser, opus 21 in progress