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Message ID: 6469
Date: Tue Sep 14 07:57:28 BST 1999
Author: Kirk Baptista
Subject: RE: Mino horn graphic bugged after patch


That little sack is the way it has always shown up on the Minos. You can
tell while you're fighting them if they have a horn or not, because of the
little pouch on thier wrists.

Aranlas Starchaser

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Gillan
To: 'eqbards@onelist.com'
Sent: 9/14/99 3:11 PM
Subject: [eqbards] Mino horn graphic bugged after patch

From: Greg Gillan <GGillan@...>

Damnit, as if it wasn't bad enough that my drum looks like a stick.
after yesterdays patch, equipping a mino horn makes it look like I've
got a
small burlap sack attached to my wrist. Ahh well, guess its back to the
shop to buy a normal flute.

Elwyn Heartstring
Level 39 Bard
Erollisi Marr

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