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Message ID: 6471
Date: Tue Sep 14 16:14:58 BST 1999
Author: James Schuldes
Subject: RE: Weaponless fighting (damage songs)

To raise your brass skill, find a good spot - the non combat portions of the
arena or the far corner of the North Ro tunnel in the room but far away from
Shady Swashbuckler - or any other place you feel safe from npc's. Equip
your brass horn and play Denon's Dischord. Go to bed and sleep over night.
Come back in the morning and you should have mastered your brass skill.

Sylly Songsynger
Bard of the 25th song
Spirit of the Moon
<new member and _very_ proud of it!>

-----Original Message-----
From: shiro [mailto:shiro@...]
Sent: Monday, September 13, 1999 11:59 PM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: [eqbards] Weaponless fighting (damage songs)

From: shiro <shiro@...>

I've heard about the ability to twist dischord, bellow, and
along with their respective instruments to actually do more
damage than
I would with weapons. At level 20 this is not yet a viable
option as
I've never bothered to raise my brass skill above 25 (I'm
sure i could
bring it to master, though, in a few hours at the arena).
Does anyone
have specific techniques or comments on this? (please don't
say not to
do it in spawn areas...I know two of the songs are area

-Seregon [bertox]

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