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Message ID: 6481
Date: Tue Sep 14 18:05:13 BST 1999
Author: Renee Cole
Subject: Re: Lute of the Gypsy Princess

>I have read several postings on this instrument and asked people in-game.
>The postings and opinions have not been consistent.
>I now have one and I am told it increases non-self healing rate. I plan to
>test this tonight; I am interested in others' experiences as well.
>My primary question though is: what is it worth? Has anyone bought one,
>sold one, or seen one bought or sold?

I have one also. I havent seen any difference between it and a regular
lute. (they weigh the same, appear to do exactly the same thing)

Perhaps, as has been suggested here in the past, it is a quest item?
However, the description doesnt say LORE ITEM on it. Maybe Verant hasn't
implemented what it is supposed to do into the game yet? When you test it,
could you please post the results here?

I was given mine by a guildmate, but I have seen them for trade only on
Povar. (although I admit, being poor right now, I usually ignore the auction

-Treehugger and Songmaker