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Message ID: 6495
Date: Tue Sep 14 20:06:49 BST 1999
Author: Kimes, Dean W.
Subject: RE: Why doesn't it work?

Well I can offer my theory, was too whacked out at the time to test it, but
am pretty sure what occurred. It was during my 6 death spree some levels
ago. I noticed that you take considerably more damage when fighting with an
instrument equipped. Could well be the fight was actually much shorter
without having a weapon equipped. Is this something anyone has tested? Do
we have a defense/dodge penalty while playing an instrument?


-----Original Message-----
From: Talies the Wanderer [mailto:snicker@...]
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 1999 1:01 PM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: [eqbards] Why doesn't it work?

From: Talies the Wanderer <snicker@...>

Okay, my brass and strings skills are maxed out, so that should not be a
I was trying the "all songs" concept, and it DOESN'T WORK.

Just for safety, I was in Splitpaw, where there are only 3 things that will
attack me: Ghanex Drah, his pet and the occasional wandering zombie.

1st round: with weapons, I barely killed Ghanex, half killed his pet, then
2nd round. with weapons, I barely killed Ghanex, did hardly anything to his
pet, then died.
3rd round. songs only, I didn't do half health to Ghanex. WHY?!!?!
I was weaving DDD with brass, and Chords and Hymn on strings, but still, he
barely took any damage.
Why did I lose a level on this?

Talies the 19th level again. (and rapidly going downward as he tries again
and again to retrieve his corpse)

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