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Message ID: 6560
Date: Wed Sep 15 17:33:33 BST 1999
Author: James Schuldes
Subject: RE: MIsty Storyswapper

I have talked to her and just figured that she is some how related to the
corrupt guards quest. Prolly have to go find the guard she mentions and see
what he has to say. I heard that there is one out there somewhere that was
trying to charge travelers tolls.

Also, I recently (altho b4 this last patch) talked to Lady Shae in Freeport
and after enough red wine she tells you all of her secrets - including the
name of some guy who has this list that Kane wanted - also she hints at her
romantic involvement with him. So, add that together with the Clothspinner
sisters quest and we have a regular tale of intrigue!

BTW: here's an excerpt from my adventures last knight::

<The rain stopped as quickly as it had started. A weary traveler named
"Seer" approached the stone bridge to the southern plain of Karana...>

Bridge Guard Sylly: HALT!
Bridge Guard Fozzle: Halt - Who goes there?
Bridge Guard Tinina: Halt in the name of Ant-Sylly-onius Bayle!

<puzzled look on the weary traveler>

Bridge Guard Sylly: You MUST pay 5sp to cross the bridge - toll!

<very puzzled look on the weary traveler>

Bridge Guard Fozzle: Pay up or she will summon the guards!

Seer: pay? wtf pay? you have no right to ......

Bridge Guard Tinina: Har! Pay up or you will have to listen to her singing!!

Seer: <smiles> Oh no! Not THAT!!!

<Seer puts 10pp in my trade screen - hehe - I click cancel>

Bridge Guard Sylly: Guards! Let this one pass!!!

<It begins to rain...>

-----Original Message-----
From: Talies the Wanderer [mailto:snicker@...]
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 1999 11:16 AM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: [eqbards] MIsty Storyswapper

From: Talies the Wanderer <snicker@...>

Has anyone ever met the Bard NPC "Misty Storyswapper" in
Qeynos Hills? She
appears to be the beginning of a Bard-related Quest, but I
can't get
anything more out of her than the name of a guard she's
afraid of...

Talies the Wanderer
Check out the EverQuesting Bard:

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