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Message ID: 6567
Date: Wed Sep 15 18:15:24 BST 1999
Author: Lost Child
Subject: Lv 22 and lv 40 songs (was Disenchanting)

The level 22 song affects the bard's party members. It is suppose to remove
ill effects on party members and leave the buffs alone. I have tested it
with a bunch of ill effects, like boil blood, diseases, root, and so far the
song doesn't cancel any of them. I have seen someone from this list claim
that the song will remove the resurrect effect, I have yet to try that.

The level 40 song before the patch was an AE song that aggro everything
around the bard but does nothing to them. After the patch, it is now a
single target dispel song. It will take off the buff on that target one at
a time. I belive the order is from the most recent buff to the oldest buff.
If you try it on another player it will say he is protected unless you are
dueling him or on a PvP server. It removes buffs such as hp buff, damage
shield, and steelskin. It does not remove serpent sight.

Things we need to know:

1. Which effects will the lv 22 song remove? If there is any.
2. Will lv 40 song aggro a MOB when used before attacking? (This one is easy
to try)
3. Will lv 40 song removes buffs from self with the bard as target? (easy to
try too)
4. Exactly what effects will the 40 song remove? Will it remove any DoT on
MOB or self? Will it move SoW? Charm?

> >
> > also if level 22 is cancel magic, then what is the newly fixes level 40
> > song? i haven't tried it yet, but a bard friend of mine says Syvelian's
> > Anti-Magic Aria is a cancel magic song.
>The L22 song affects your party. The L40 song is area effect
>I believe? One of you level 40+ folks will have to test it.
> > guess now we need to figure out the difference between
> > the two.
>Hard to figure out the difference when we can't even figure
>out what the L22 song does.