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Message ID: 6584
Date: Wed Sep 15 21:11:20 BST 1999
Author: Ryan Barker
Subject: Re: Re: was: Fear/Chain, is not cheesy Re: good bards

> Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 16:34:24 -0500
> From: "JasonF" <JasonF@...>
> Subject: Re: Re: was: Fear/Chain, is not cheesy Re: good bards
> Sigh.
> <Crier stares into the distance imagining what it would be like to have
> a group listen to her advice.>
> It would be so nice if a group I was in would listen to me when I tell
> them things like this. Maybe I'm just not tactful enough (although I
> genuinely try to be), but when I get into a group of 5 or 6 people
> there's always at least one guy (and usually more) who just doesn't "get
> it", or says "Who made you God?" when I try and tell them that I can
> control the fight.

While Ive never had the "Who made you God?" thrown at me, I do
occasionally get people who just dont get it. If the situation is going
to get me killed I will usually just excuse my self politely and get out
of the group. usually however just politely explaining before the battle
starts that you are capable of turning a 6 on 4 into a 5 on 1 as long as
everyone concentrates on one target will be enough to convince all but the
stupidest to at least try playing your way. Ive found the more dangerous
the situation, the more likely they are to see it your way ie. the
inevitable big pull in Solusek, Permafrost, or Cazic Thule. One thing you
also might try is to demonstrate on 1 mob.. just tell them not to attack
and watch the ones who have never seen a good enchanter or bard in action
watch in amazement as you stand right next to the big lizzie and not get
hurt. I've also found that the higher level the people, the more likely
they are to be willing to at least try and see if your way will work.

> > "Everyone needs to /assist the puller"
> > "Do not switch targets unless I say"
> > "Do not use AOE effects or spells"
> > "Do not DoT the mob you arent fighting"
> Sorry for the cursing, but this sort of advice is generally greeted with
> a "Fuck you. Check this bossy bard out... Don't tell me how to play my
> character.", usually from a warrior or a necromancer (often Dark Elves for
> some reason). I implore my group to let me lullaby mobs and yet they
> continue to, fight after fight, attack multiples. Even if I stand there
> and lull, lull, lull shouting "use assist", "use assist", "fight one",
> "fight one" they just won't do it. This isn't just one group, it's
> probably 8 out of 10. It's discouraging.

You can always say that the way they are playing is going to get you
killed so if they dont try it your way you will find a group that will.

> Part of my problem might be that I play on Fennin Ro. That server is
> almost ALWAYS at the bottom of the list when sorted by number of
> players. Usually 1,700 or 1,800, even on a weeknight. Weekends, forget
> it. I've seen Fennin Ro hit 1,900. Them's some crowded zones. Playing
> EQ on Fennin Ro is oftentimes like playing Quake. Four groups camp something and the instant
> it spawns they're all blasting for all they're worth. I have gotten to
> the point where I refuse to play in Highpass Hold. The people camping
> the Orcs are some of the rudest, Kill Stealing-est, nastiest and most
> juvenile players I've ever encountered in any game.

I have never hunted in highpass hold since the time my necro
friend and I tried to get just 1 kill and couldnt do it. We do
not kill steal but others had no compunctions against taking ours.
Ive found that Highpass Hold just is not a good place to fight if you
arent a wizard kill stealer.

> It's gotten to the point where I would consider abandoning my 21st level
> bard on Fennin Ro and start a new bard on another server if I thought
> the people were friendlier. What do you people on the (slightly) less busy
> servers have to say? Are they any friendlier?

Povar is fairly friendly with a few idiots and some very good players. now
if only you could have an idiot list so you could check to see if you
thought they were an idiot the last time you played with them. Id
recommend trying to find some good players (rangers, enchanters and
clerics tend to be pretty smart players) to group with and dont be afraid
to leave a group if you think you are going to die

Celandro Spellsong
30 Bard Povar
1 bubble from 31 after 3 nights in hell.. not too bad :)