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Message ID: 6610
Date: Thu Sep 16 02:31:22 BST 1999
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: Plane of losses

Let me give an analogy to try to better explain what I was saying.

The only "fear" that exists in the Plane of Fear is what the players, not
their characters, have in their own mind. This "fear", due to the current
way the Plane of Fear works, is that 1) they will automatically die and lose
hard earned experience and 2) most likely not be able to recover their
corpse. Thats some bad mojo and rightfully so. I agree something needs to
be done about it.

Now I will use myself as an example. I'm a 22d level bard. Suppose I was
considering camping the basement in Unrest or the castle in Mistmoore. I
use these places as examples because I would almost certainly die if I went
to these locations. My reservation about going to these places is for all
practical purposes the same "fear" that the 46+ level players are having.
The only difference is that I have a better chance of recovering my corpse.
If my corpse is deep in the basement, I couldn't do it myself but I could
get the assistance of someone much higher level than me to protect me while
I was recovering my corpse. 46+ characters don't have the luxury of someone
higher helping them retrieve their corpse so, IMO, thats the only difference
between me camping the basement in Unrest versus them camping the Plane of
Fear. You could argue that this luxury makes a world of difference and
makes the entire analogy invalid. I could be totally offbase here so take
it with a grain of salt. It does make for an interesting, allbeit
off-topic, discussion:-)

IMO, the Plane of Fear, as well as all others, should have something magical
about them that takes into account that the Norrathian laws of physics and
magic don't apply in the planes. Thats pretty much how it works in most
fantasy games I'm aware of. Verant even stated when the Fear plane opened
up that magic worked different in there. In order to do that, they need to
add the magical fear, hate, etc. element (or something along the same line)
I discussed in my original post. Obviously if they were to do that, they
would have to do some major tweaking of how the planes work. Offensive
capabilities of the mobs would need to be reduced to the point where, when
combined with the ideas I proposed, a players chance of survival is
near/equal that of what it was before the Plane of Fear was tweaked to the
point of where it is now. Bottom line is that characters should, with a lot
skill, good planning, and a little luck, have the chance to go to the Planes
(or anywhere for that matter) and afterwards sit around the campfire and
celebrate their accomplishment. Verant will get it fixed eventually (we all

My brain hurts after this one.

Galtin of E'ci

> Heh what your suggesting would make the zones worse then it is now.
> Believe
> me being thrown halfway across zone is enough don't need anything else
> like
> that added.
> Naeeldar
> >Just an idea, but perhaps Verant could reduce the toughness of the
> combats
> >in the Planes so people have a better chance of survival but also make
> the
> >Planes somehow reflect what they are. For example, in Fear, the players
> >magic resist rate gets periodically checked to see if they become scared.
> >Could be at anytime, in combat or while they are sitting around. If so,
> >they start fleeing in a random direction. In Hate, make it where a
> player
> >can, if they fail their resist, become consumed by irrational hate and
> start
> >attacking anything nearby, monsters or players. In Fire, players are hit
> by
> >constant heat that affects health and/or stamina. In Air, constant gales
> >that cause damage. I came up with these on the fly so I'm sure there are
> >other things that could be done similar to these.
> >
> >I don't think this is a problem I will have to worry about for another
> year
> >or so. By that time, who knows how the game will work.
> >
> >Galtin of E'ci
> >22 bard