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Message ID: 6624
Date: Thu Sep 16 16:31:24 BST 1999
Author: Garramone, Michael (CCI-Las Vegas)
Subject: RE: Nerfing quest components (OT) (was alt.games.everqu est)

from what i have seen recently (don't know if this is different), but even
if you do no damage to a mob, if you are grouped with the person that does
all the damage you will still get the faction hit. either way, you don't
have to be grouped with the person that kills the fish, you can wait the 2
minutes or so until the fish becomes lootable by anyone.

Shada D'ukal, Level 50 Wood Elf Bard
Erisi Dlarit, Level 23 High Elf Paladin
Tyria, Level 17 High Elf Wizard
Mithaniel Marr Server

> From: <kim@...>

> But you can still do this - group with the mule, let him do
> all the killing (so you don't take a faction hit), then when
> he's done you loot the fish.
> They need to make an equivalent faction hit for looting the
> fish, or raise the level of the fish so you can't use a mule
> for it.
> --
> John H. Kim
> kim@...