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Message ID: 6639
Date: Thu Sep 16 19:12:16 BST 1999
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: Verant vs Powergamers OT (was Plane of losses)

I have read a lot of posts on this topic, mainly on the EQVault boards.
Here's my take on it:

1) I don't think Verant hates powergamers at all. First off, let me say I
think that the term powergamer, which I believe was first used as a
reference to a type of player in pen and paper RPGs, is actually a misnomer
in EQ. There are a lot of EQ players who have made 50th level. Are they
all powergamers just because they have made 50th level? Not necessarily so.
Some may be true "powergamers". Some may be great roleplayers with lots of
time on their hands. Most probably fall somewhere in between. No matter
which type of player they are, they apparently enjoy playing EQ so much that
they are willing to spend enough time playing it to get a character to 50th
level. Lets also assume that these players, because they spend so much time
playing EQ, are also the customers most likely to renew their subsciption
when it runs out. Strictly from a business perspective, why would Verant do
anything malicious to punish the customers that spend the most time playing
their game? This will only lose them customers and revenue.

2) High-level characters don't have anything to do now. Verant probably
spent around two years developing this game. Within six months of release,
there are now numerous players who have 40+ level characters.
Understandably, a lot of these players are getting bored because they don't
have a lot of new things to do. I think it is safe to say that the Verant
programmers, no matter how smart they are and how hard they work, will never
be able to keep pace with the powergamers. If Verant spends one month
creating a new high level zone, the high level players will have it mastered
within a couple of days of release. I think this is something that we just
have to accept as unavoidable and not worry about.

As I see it, until the expansion comes out, high level players have four

1) Start a new character
2) Play the same character but do the same stuff over and over
3) Play a different game until the expansion comes out
4) Quit EQ completely

Which option is the correct one to choose is a personal choice. However,
IMO, if a 50th level player decides to quit EQ completely because they are
bored, I don't think that is Verant's fault at all. For the most part,
Verant delivered what they said they would deliver. Everyone knew that 50th
was the highest level available until the expansion comes out. With that
said, I do think 50th level characters should have the option to temporarily
suspend their account, i.e. not pay the monthly fee, until the expansion
comes out. When the expansion does arrive, they can reactivate their
account and still have their original character.

One last thing, before EQ came out, I averaged buying about 10 computer
games a year. A lot of them I would not even finish because I got bored
with them. I've been playing EQ since April and I am still having lots of
fun playing. As a 22d level bard, I still have alot of things I can look
forward to doing in the game. I haven't even considered buying a new game
since April. Couldn't even tell you the last time I went to Compusa to
browse. Always looking on the bright side, playing EQ is saving me about
$400 a year:-)

Galtin of E'ci

> From: "Naeeldar" <jackal@...>
> Heh seems like it.
> Yes I agree Verant seems to hate powergamers very much although I doubt
> for
> the real reasons. Verant seems to believe that the reason most people are
> leaving the game ( level 50 people that is or close ) is because we've
> beaten the game typically for a powergamer. However I know most people
> just
> got bored with it because there was nothing else to do with their current
> char or areas like Lower Guk or Sol B are just too crowded. If verant
> would
> add some more high level areas and fix PoF I seroiously doubt this would
> continue. On another note almost all the 40+ I know and group with have a
> secondary char some even have 3-4. Hopefully Verant will begin to realize
> problems as more and more people leave.
> Naeeldar