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Message ID: 6675
Date: Fri Sep 17 17:22:42 BST 1999
Author: firehawk@xxxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Bard only equipment, a rant

Actually I disagree. I think we STARTED as one of the most balanced classes. I think over time we have become underbalanced. I am not a level hog or powergamer. I'm a roleplayer.. I spend at least equal time performing or exploring as I do attempting to level. But the fact is in the EQ world we are becoming woefully underpowered. And due to the nature of our class jack of all trades master of none, every nerf effects us more then it even does the class it was meant to effect. Case in point the new SOW problem, the Z-axis bug, and there are more. The fact is I love being a bard because of WHAT a bard is.. not because of what Verant made the bard. It is evident that bards are being treated as a second class, class.

What other class has had their spell deliberatly placed as lesser value? Our cancelling SOW was a fluke.. SoW overpowering Accel was not an accident. And WHY would you prefer SOW to Accel? Obviously outdoors you would not since Accel is far faster especially as the bard playing grows. In our desire to not fall into the morrass of me too and I wanna be superman flame wars with Verant many of us (bards) have adopted the well we're fine we're balanced banner. It's simply no longer true in my opinion. To discuss being worried about being a superclass is rather silly and after the point so few players over all choose or understand the bard that the other classes already point at us and complain.

To close I'm not interested in having our powers majorly overhauled.. or special super powered bard only weapons. I would like to see the quest system fixed.. I'd like to see some more special items for bards. I'd like to see some more useful songs. And I'ld like to see them stop nerfing us without reguard to the results. I won't even get into balance, as right now I feel we are underbalanced now and others seem to think we are just fine. Anyway those are my two cents.

Adon Draigcanwyr 20 Povar

On Fri, 17 Sep 1999 10:11:00 -0500 eqbards@onelist.com wrote:
> From: "Elijah Meeker" <elijah@...>
> I think a lot of classes think they are "most ingnored". I think however if
> we don't get a lot of "attention" it is because we are one of the most
> balanced classes in the game, that really need not a lot of effort to
> balance us out. I could see more magic instruments, but I could also see
> that making us too powerful in unintended ways, leading to nerfing, leading
> to screw-ups, etc. No, I don't think we need a bunch of new equiptment, as
> it complicates what is to my mind a a fairly balanced equasion. I hope they
> are careful with the changes that are coming to the test center (class
> specific quest-only weapons) because in the long run balance is WAY more
> important than goodies.
> Tszaaz E'Taurguin, 24, Povar
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