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Message ID: 6775
Date: Sat Sep 18 00:45:52 BST 1999
Author: jhenders@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Bard Only Equipment

On Fri, Sep 17/99, Elijah Meeker <elijah@...> wrote:
> From: "Elijah Meeker" <elijah@...>
> >How have they been messed up
> Oh, not messed up for US, messed up as a data structure. Selo's canceling
> other peoples SoW isn't very good programming either. Then chain not working
> on SoW'd mobs was pretty bad, now this.I am saying that the whole thing has
> been a mess, until recently the mess has favored us...but it has been a mess
> all along, just a more tolerable one, for us *smiles*

I actually disagree it favoured us as well, though at least we never got
slowed down without being able to respeed up very quickly. I found the
old behaviour particularly annoying as I often had to refrain from
playing selo's in a group and had to settle for the inferior SoW <grin>
on myself.

As to the mess, it only servers to point out that one of two things has
happened at Verant. Either the original programmers, who wrote the bulk
of the game are gone, leaving some second string types who barely
understand the code to do the ongoing maintenance, or they just don't
care. Given the fix that was put in, I would say the former is the case.
Why I think they don't have the original programmers is that they never
would have shipped the game even after the 4 years it took in
development at the rate that the current crop of programmers is fixing
bugs, changing and adding things.

To reiterate something I posted to the list a month ago when they made
their first stab at a fix, at that time you had 2 seperate icons on
screen when you had SoW and Selo's going. So the code knew you had both
these effects. When one (SoW) wore off, it should have been trivial for
the program to check for the presence of the other one and adjust your
speed accordingly, rather than just defaulting to your character's
default speed. The fact that they couldn't accomplish this simple thing
(which also affects our levitate and water breathing songs as we know)
says something pretty sad about the current programmers. (IMO)

Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity.
GAT d- -p+(--) c++++ l++ u++ t- m--- W--- !v
b+++ e* s-/+ n-(?) h++ f+g+ w+++ y*