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Message ID: 6824
Date: Mon Sep 20 16:32:52 BST 1999
Author: John.Curry@xxxxxx.xxx
Subject: RE: Proper use of Kellin's Lucid Lullabye


Lullabye, is a great song. I always keep it memorized. This song is a
lifesaver. I use this song when someone in the party has pulled too many.
The basic idea is that when you realize that there are more foe's that the
party can endure, whip out the lute and play the song. The rest of the
party MUST concentrate on one single target at a time untill it is dead. It
is a joyous (and scary) feeling to see a group of 5 nasty blues all nodding
off while you strum. Start and stop the song as soon as you see the "so and
so nods" message. With the lute the song is much tougher for monsters to

Now here is how you can get killed really quickly with the song :)

If all of the foe's are /con yellow or higher. Running would probably be

If the party your in just dosent get it, or if you havent explained it to
them during between battle downtime.

If the party REALLY dosent get it and all runs while you stand there, the
center of attention.

If the party dosent use /assist to all target one Foe. Everytime they get
hit it wakes them up, and they will hit YOU, not the one who woke them up.

I think that you might be able to use this song while soloing, if you were
to use the singing skill, and fight one at a time with weapons. This might
be better as a defensive tactic than a offensive tactic though. Getting
ganged a mob of Greens, comes to mind, cause they would be less likely to
resist. Or you could always Bravely run away with Selo's.

Sevin Tercet 20th Human Minstrel
on Brell
20th finaly after a week of dying in Unrest :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea Oddo [mailto:ambient@...]
Sent: Friday, September 17, 1999 3:38 PM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: [eqbards] Proper use of Kellin's Lucid Lullabye

From: "Andrea Oddo" <ambient@...>

Hi All,

This is my first posting to the list and I was hoping by coming out of lurk
mode I might get some help from some of the elder bards here. I recently
attained my 15th level and ran to the bards guild in Kelethin to get
Kellin's Lucid Lullabye. I went to www.harpers.net and took a look at the
writeup for this song. I am not sure of the proper usage for this song. How
should I use it say if I were approaching a dervish camp (like the one in
Oasis) with my group as opposed to using it in Unrest? I did approach a few
bards who were over level 17 asking how exactly they used the song and I was
told on 2 occasions that they had gotten into more trouble than it was worth
with this song and not to use it. After lurking on this list for the last
couple of weeks it seems that there are plenty of you out there who know how
to make this song work to your advantage and I'd like to know how I should
approach this song.

Thank you in advance for any help you can give me. I am very very happy
playing my bard and can't see myself playing any other character. But then
again, maybe I'm just a wood elf in human's clothing =)

Bard 15th Circle, Prexus