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Message ID: 6939
Date: Wed Sep 22 17:28:23 BST 1999
Author: Greg Gillan
Subject: On the topic of petitions (long, but an important read)

I for one am not really big on the idea of petitions, they tend to get way
out of hand, and people start asking for ridiculous things. I can't believe
that any of these get taken seriously by Verant.
Here's what I propose: Let's put together a small list of our biggest
complaints over the next couple of days. After we've hashed them out a bit,
I'll mail them on to Geoffrey Zatkin. I got a pretty prompt reply out of
him last time I sent him some questions, so maybe we can get some answers

What I will not do is send a list of complaints or demands. All I want is
answers to when/if certain things will be fixed/implemented. I don't want
this to turn into a bitch fest.
I don't want to demand new skills or songs, the primary concern is to get
things fixed that are currently broken or missing. I feel these issues
should be addressed before we go asking for new features.

I'll get the ball rolling with my standard list of gripes. If you have any
suggestion/changes/additions, please post them, and lets get some discussion

1) Several of our songs (levels 39, 45, 47, 49) don't seem to be in the
game. We would like to know when we can expect these to be implemented. If
they are indeed in the game already (perhaps discovered via quests) please
at least let us know that they exist. We don't need to know how/where to
get them, or even what they are, but we don't want to waste our time
questing for something that isn't there.

2) Several of our skills (Hiding, Sneak, Forage, Instill Doubt) cap at such
low levels, that they aren't worth using. We don't need to be master of
these, but if the caps were raised such that at least they worked more than
1 out of 20 times, we might consider putting them back into our hot keys.

3) The level 22 song Alenias Disenchanting Melody currently seems to have no
effect whatsoever. This has been tested repeatedly by many, many bards. It
does not dispel effects on group members (as we thought it should) nor does
it protect in any way from harmful effects. Can you please confirm whether
this song is broken or not? When can we expect a fix?

4) You've mentioned in the past that the messed up drum graphic (it now
looks like we strum a small twig) will be corrected in an upcoming graphics
patch. We realize a graphics patch is large, and hence cannot be done
regularily, but could we please get an estimate on roughly when we can
expect this glitch to be fixed? In addition, a recent patch made an
equipped mino horn look like we have a small burlap sack embedded in our

5) There seems to be an absense of any high level bard quests. Is there any
implementation planned for these? When might we expect them?

These are my primary concerns. In addition, but IMHO less important, but
open for discussion:

a) Why do certain of our songs (Lullaby, Pixie Strike) work find against
monsters, but have absolutely no effects verses players in duels? Is this
intentional or a bug?

b) When a magical effect wears off (i.e. Guise of the Deciever) our songs
get stuck. The /st command does not unstick them in this situation and we
have to resort to speed mashing of the buttons to unstick them.

Well, guess that's about it. I'm fairly confident that if we put together a
well-worded message to GZ, we'll at least get a reply. Heck, he responded
to me in less than a day last time. I'm not expecting any instant fixes,
I'll be happy just getting some answers.

Please offer up any suggestions you can.

Elwyn Heartstring
Level 41 Bard
Erollisi Marr