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Message ID: 6982
Date: Wed Sep 22 20:55:27 BST 1999
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: RE: Petiton to replace level 14 song

Now that would be one useful song. It would also eliminate the disadvantage
of not being able to bind.

I can fully understand why Verant and a lot of people on this list do not
think we need bind. From a class balancing point of view, I agree with this
view. But from a real world point of view, I really wish Verant would do
something that allowed non-casters to get bound in non-cities. That would
make me fat, dumb, and happy. I am a casual gamer who works full time and
has a wife who hates this game. If I'm lucky, I get to play for 1-2 hours a
night (once or twice during the week) and maybe 4-5 hours over the weekend.
When I do get to play, I want to spend my time adventuring, not running
across four zones to retrieve my corpse. I realize bards do this faster but
it can still take a long time if I am far away from a city. If I die, my EQ
session for that day (unless it is a weekend) is pretty much over. By the
time I get to my corspe, I usually have to log out for the night. If Verant
included a bind point somewhere in each zone where melee types could get
bound, I'm certain the other casual gamers who fall into my category sure
would be happy. IMO, I do not see how this would affect class balancing in
any way.

Galtin of E'ci (who started in April and is only 23d level)

> I say - forget binds - bind in a bank - close to ur spares. Bards really
> NEED a song like:
> Ramundo's Recitement of Revival Skill: singing Target: self Mana: 100%
> (usable only 1 per game day) sold in Erudin
> This is totally in keeping with the bardic image - we all die A LOT!~ And
> by
> lev 14 have considerable practice in finding r corpses and getting r
> stuffs
> back. So, now its time to lighten the load some and get us start getting
> used to the fact that some high 40 song will burn mana too. Also, finally
> a
> use for all that clarity I get casted on me. Now this should not be a get
> out of jail free card but function like the Cleric's revive/resuss - you
> come back to ur corpse and are staggering all over with no
> str/sta/agi/dex.
> Sylly.
> p.s. this started out as a joke but it is sounding better and better to
> me.