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Message ID: 7076
Date: Thu Sep 23 18:32:00 BST 1999
Author: Frank Hartmann
Subject: Re: RE: RE: Why do the melee classes keep wanting Bind?

Sounds like you've had some bad experiences in Grobb. My condolences. The /quit does work, I have had to use it myself. My load times are fairly fast, so maybe that's the difference.

I still consider binding in evil cities an option. Others don't because they choose not to play with that level of danger. That's alright, I respect that. I just am tired of hearing melee classes whine that the ONLY way to fight in Cazic or Guk is to be bound in Freeport and that they hate the long run back. It's not the ONLY way. It just may be the only way for some individuals depending upon their danger tolerance level.

Bard of Erollisi Marr

>>> "Kimes, Dean W." <Dean_Kimes@...> 09/23 10:44 AM >>>
From: "Kimes, Dean W." <Dean_Kimes@...>

Yeah that's a good one. You don't get to hit /quit or any other command.
You die before you zone in on your client as you zone in on the server for a
bit before you appear on the client side. All you see is a never ending
stream of Loading...Please wait messages. No command bar, no reports of
damage, no view of Grobb, nothing, period. And your supposed safe spot may
also be the real spot for a guard that's been trained temporarily elsewhere
which is worse if you don't know it. He then returns to his spot every time
the server is reset, if he ever leaves it. How do I know all this, there's
a lower level Kitasi on Solusek that was my first bard who listened to a
monk and got bound in Grobb. Went from 12th to 9th before they lowered the
death penalty before I realized it wasn't some glitch and reset my computer.
Needless to say he hasn't seen any action since as I moved to a server where
I had friends who could bind. Also only the time alive counts towards the
30seconds. The time passing thru the Loading period doesn't so you die
however many times that guard can kill you before you react and cut the
connection plus the 30+ seconds of linkdead.


Also, there is no excuse for any player to die 20 times in a row in one of
these unfortunate instances. If you respawn and are immediately attacked by
a guard at your bind point, you need to use the /quit command. This
immediately exits you from the game without the 30 second camping wait. You
may need to wait a few minutes for that guard to return to his post before
reentering the game, or you may have to resort to moving the guard with a
mule character. Such are the dangers inherent in binding in enemy territory.
But again, that does not mean it's not feasible. Just dangerous. Everyone's
personal limit of danger varies.

Bard of Erollisi Marr