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Message ID: 7160
Date: Sat Sep 25 00:07:17 BST 1999
Author: jhenders@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Letter to GZ - Draft 2 (long)

On Fri, Sep 24/99, kim@... wrote:

>..... Another possible change (could we add it
> to the petition?) would be allowing you to open containers in
> non-640x480 resolutions from inventory slots on your hotkey
> pad. Then I could keep all my instruments in a bag, freeing
> me to carry 4 more containers.

Don't know if there's much point to adding this one. It's not really a
bard specific problem, though it does impact us the most. Also, it would
require redoing all kinds of graphics in all the various resolutions you
can play with in 3d mode. It would probably be better to get a seperate
petition going from all of the userbase requesting this, as I know it
annoys most everyone.

pointing out that you can open bags from the hotkeys in 640x480 might
have an undesirable result. Back in beta Verant found out people were
using hotkeys while in inventory mode. This was patched out of the
client in the next patch. No one know's why, but it seems obvious that
they have some strong feelings on how the interface should work that may
not agree with the player's desires. I worry if they found out that bags
were openable from the main window they might patch that out in the next

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