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Message ID: 7260
Date: Tue Sep 28 15:12:59 BST 1999
Author: Chris Musson
Subject: RE: Soloing, and Vs. other Classes

>Also the dirk and whip are by no means as good as a glowing crook staff.
>the dirk is 6/23 which works out to a ratio of .565 using max damage of 13,
>the 'Glower' as I hear called frequently is 11/35 which means a hefty ratio
>of .657, very painful. The BLW is even worse than a dirk at 7/28 which
>works out to a ratio of only .536 using max damage. A full point of better
>ratio is pretty devastating in a one-on-one fight.

The Ratio on the GWC is pretty spiffy, but in no way compensates for the
ability to dual wield. Aside from our Skill bonus in melee (the aforementioned
5xLVL +5) and our significantly higher dodge cap. The difference could be in
the stats of your character vs. mine, but the stats themselves are not nearly
as much of a determinant as the classes themselves. (a gnome warrior is STILL a
warrior...etc) But, my base str is 93, and in melee mode it is 103, with no
buffs or songs playing. at lvl 20, i have offense/defense/1HS/Piercing/Dual
Wield/Hand to Hand all maxed out. I Have no problems outperforming a shaman or
druid of equal level in melee...it is not even close. (except for HP, i am as
good as a ranger)

>You kited beetles 6 levels higher than you using bellow? I hate to be rude
>but I do not believe you. Not only would it take forever at the 7 pts a
>bellow you would have been doing, but the resists would have been frequent.
>Past that they should have been not 'too frequent' but nearly 100%! Not to
>mention that running into anything else would have made 1 or 2 stuns fatal.

1. there is a >6 lvl cap on bellow...yes, 100% resist.
2. the thing that you need to understand about the Beetles is that they have
like NO base Magic Resist. they cannot resist anything (ask a Wiz). Another
thing is that they have a delay on their attacks of roughly 4 seconds. They
cannot stun you long enough to take advantage of it. You don't run into
anything else, because there are about 100 safe spots to kite in North Karana.
I ran into 1 griffawn in 8 levels...and zoned.
3. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING is that the beetles Run (their MAX speed) is
4. they really don't hit very hard when they do. they have a good ac,
marginal to poor HPs and a poor attack skill (for their level) and they are the
slowest mob in the game.

It is actually very difficult to die fighting the beetles.
I was not using Entirely bellow, because it could be quite lengthy on a high
red, i was using Bellow and COD. That way i could pull Multiples and save
myself time by kiting them more than one at a time.

Kitasi, to ease your mind...the ones that i kited that were right below the
Hard Resist cap: 13 minutes to kite. (not very efficient:( ) Pull yellows if

Kaleid (Still no last name)
20th song (and only 2 deaths since 8th level...both linkdead deaths)
Wave of the Dark Tide

"Thou shall not kill. Thou shall not commit
adultery. Don't eat pork."
I'm sorry, what was that last one? Don't eat pork? God has spoken. Is that the word of God or is that pigs trying to out smart everybody?"
-- Jon Stewart