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Message ID: 7334
Date: Wed Sep 29 17:07:20 BST 1999
Author: Andrea Oddo
Subject: RE: Digest Number 375

I have made similar observations and had an even worse problem in unrest. I
was with 2 paladins, a shaman, and myself when a red carrion ghoul got a
hold of me. This happened the day of the last patch so I was quite unaware
anything was going to happen. The ghoul cast root on me so I instantly
whipped out Selo's and couldn't move. The root wore off as I approached my
last bubble of health and because I had been telling my party that I was
stuck the shaman cast SOW on me just as I clicked on Selo's. Needless to say
I had no speed action whatsoever and died running at a SLOWER than normal
pace. I was quite pissed off - in fact still am- because our best and in
fact only defensive mechanism has been broken for what ever reason.

I'm wondering, and I get the feeling the that this is sorta hopeless, but
where do we take complaints like this too? I petitioned and reported it as a
bug but I still feel it all fell on deaf ears.


Bard 17th Circle, Prexus Server

Message: 4
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 15:15:13 PDT
From: "Robin Wise 3" <eurmali@...>
Subject: Selo's Accelerando and Root

Here are a few observations:

I have fought a fair number of ghouls and other rooters in the past 8 levels
or so, and until the patch before last (i.e. the infamous Selo's nerf)
Selo's ALWAYS broke root, no matter what my level was relative to theirs
(heck, I remember once when I was 8th level thanking Selo over and over as I
fled from 2 red ghouls after breaking their root).

When the patch went in, I noticed that I could never break roots with Selo's
anymore. No song text ("your feet fail to move faster!"), no song sprites,
no effect whatsoever. No matter the status of my Selo's at the time the
root was applied, I was rooted and could not use Selo's to break it. This
held true for green ghouls as well as blue and white. In fact it was
identical to what happened if I had SoW cast on me... well, with SoW I could
still move a little bit, but at a horribly slow crawl... how they live with
that I will never understand.

Last night in Unrest I ran into some trouble, and was once again unable to
break roots using Selo's... I was in a full group with 2 clerics and in the
first two fights received not ONE heal while the damn monsters made bard
puree - I actually died within one minute of arrival in Unrest and again
within one minute of retrieving my corpse, then one more time at the end of
the evening (in Dagnor's Cauldron), a new record for my worst experience in
EQ. Grrrrr... Anyways, twice I was rooted and unable to break it. Root is
a bit tricky to test as it is highly variable: sometimes it fails quickly,
sometimes it holds for the rest of your life. = )

Playing Devil's Advocate, my PL was horrid, and my screen was full of spells
going off (smite smite smite HEAL PLEASE smite smite HEAL PLEASE smite HELP!
smite LOADING PLEASE WAIT), so this may not be a valid test. If anyone can
confirm through repeated testing (please observe that a single anecdotal
example of how you played Selo's and the root went away is not a valid
sample) that Selo's does now break root again, please let us all know.
Otherwise I think we can safely assume that this is either 1) a bug which
Verant will fix "someday" (i.e. they want Selo's to break root, but it
clearly is not a priority for their programmers), or 2) the way they always
intended it to be (i.e. Selo's breaking root was a bug which has been
fixed). Since Verant doesn't talk to us peons, as always we must rely on
each other to find out how our (or IF) our songs work.

Speaking of which, is there any word on Alenia's Disenchanting Melody? Does
it do anything? If so, what? I'd like to hear that someone has tested it
recently (since the most recent patch is always preferable) and can confirm
or deny the rumors floating around.

May your feet ever be fleet,
And your voices ever be sweet

Aloro Silvertongue (E'ci)