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Message ID: 7343
Date: Wed Sep 29 20:56:36 BST 1999
Author: Kimes, Dean W.
Subject: RE: Bard PvP (Was:Bard vs. Cleric)

A great story! My main gripe is that lower level bards without fear have no
battle of their own to wage. At higher levels there are lots more options
but at 15-18 you don't have much that can disrupt the smashing power of a
melee mob or player. Any suggestions other than trying to kite it which
won't work if I'm trying to tank obviously.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bard [mailto:dabard@...]
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 2:02 PM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: [eqbards] Bard PvP (Was:Bard vs. Cleric)

From: "Bard" <dabard@...>

Not too long ago my guild celebrated it's first member to hit the big
50. During this shindig, a lot of duels took place. The most interesting
one (no ego here ;p) was the hour-long (yes, it took 1 hour) epic battle
between yours truly and a ranger friend (We were both level 27).

What made the fight last so long? Well, in the early part of it, I
quickly realized that I was fighting his battle. He would snare me as I
chased after him, then get far enough away as turn around, and walk
backwards as riddled me with arrows, re-snare (which I seemed to NEVER be
able to resist, unlike he and Chains :o/ ), then do it all over again. As
I was almost halfway to having to loot my corpse, I had a nifty thought: why
don't I make him fight MY battle instead?

First thing I had to do was to nullify his ability to puncture me at
obscene distances (out-of-sight, as a matter of fact) with that damned
bow-and-arrows of his. Luckily we were fighting in the newb hunting area in
East Freeport, so I ducked into a tent that was facing the wall. Problem

Next, I had to figure out how I was going to do tons of damage on him
while I kept my own hide intact. Answer: When he came charging into the
tent (because I wouldn't come out :oP ) I would begin melee'ing him while
nailing him with DoT's, then Fear him away while I healed back up. I tried
a few times to just fear him and run behind him and hit, but he had this
annoying habit of simply disappearing and re-appearing somewhere else (Ever
see a hill giant do that while he's coming towards you? Very
disconcerting). I may have been able to finish him off that way, but the
time he ran straight at the guards as I was re-firing Screech made me
re-think it a bit. Finally, after a loooong back-and-forth battle, the
difference was made when he put on his Savant's Cap. That little bit of
extra Wisdom helpped make his PGT a proc'ing machine. That coupled with the
lowered dmg DoT's do in PvP now spelled the end for me (No, I didn't have a
PGT or anyother nifty proc'ing eapon... but I do now :oP ), but not before I
took a big chunk out of his hide. He finally beat me with less than a
bubble of health himself. Damn what a fight!

Moral of the story? Use everything possible to make your adversary fight
the battle YOU want, not the one they want. Even if you don't win, they'll
gain an immense amount of respect for bards as a class.
