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Message ID: 7473
Date: Fri Oct 1 00:10:31 BST 1999
Author: Kimes, Dean W.
Subject: RE: Hey this sounded interesting..

sorry about Lull, meant lament actually. I think that's way more useful at
9th level than Snare. I agree we shouldn't become casters, point is of the
supposed hybrids only bards would ever even consider taking on that role,
the rest are just warriors with perks and a bit less fighting abilty. True
armor doesn't make up for parry and riposte, but since we don't get those
either how are we better off or more of a melee/caster hybrid than a shaman?
Our duel wield is more than compensated for in melee by their Slam, high
strength, high hp's, and big damage weapons. Sure at 30+ level we might pass
them up due to having 30 extra skill points. At 15th level though the skill
difference does not compensate. I think we get a choice between sitting
back casting, and getting in there in melee, often that is determined not by
what we are better at, but by what we are not worse at.
Only SoW is as useful as accellerando? Maybe or Gate, but nothing is as
useful as bind affinity.


-----Original Message-----
From: kim@... [mailto:kim@...]
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 1999 4:55 PM
To: 'eqbards@onelist.com'
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Hey this sounded interesting..

From: kim@...

On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Kimes, Dean W. wrote:
> You argued that their spells are useful later on. Snare is nifty, but as
> useful as Kellin's Lull?, no.

Well if you're going to play the level game, Lullaby is level
15. Aside from Accelerando and SoW, I would say Snare is The
Most Useful spell in the game at level 9.

> As useful as Acellerando?, no. At 9th level,

Only SoW is as useful as Accelerando. :-)

> and obviously before,if not for our entire careers, our spells are far
> a defining part of our characters than any of the 'hybrids' (RNG,PAL,SHD).
> As far as I have heard it is NEVER suggested that any of these classes
> back and just cast spells in a group. Most on this list advocate that
> for bards later in levels. The main point was we are more dependant on

Um, I think you're misinterpreting what higher level bards are
saying - you *can* do this and *sometimes* it's better to do
this *in a group*, but never throwing yourself in there with
weapons swinging would be just as bad as never singing.

> spells than RNG, PAL, or SHD. We are at least as dependent on spells as
> Shamans and Clerics, though probably not druids. There have even been

I think I see now how the bard combat ability vs. cleric
combat ability thread got sidetracked to bard vs. cleric...

> articles proclaiming Shamans to be the ultimate warrior class. Buff like
> mad, rush into melee cause you're big, strong, have armor equal to a
> and a big stick to swing.

A shaman who does this at higher levels is going to be turned
into puree. Armor helps, but not as much as parry and
riposte. My L30 ranger friend in banded, but with parry and
riposte tanks better than me at L35 in plate. That's why I've
been complaining about our dodge being capped so low.

> If bards should be standing back and taking a
> caster role, doesn't that make us more like, than unlike, those classes
> whatever they are?

If that's the impression you're getting and somehow I've
contributed to it, then I apologize.

There are two aspects of combat - offense and defense. The
way these two mix is often difficult to understand, which is
why people always ask whether you should sing Hymn during
combat, or why the DDD/CoD/Hymn combo works better than
weapons in some cases but not others. Better offense kills
mobs faster (shortens the fight). Better defense lets you
survive longer (lengthens the duration you can survive a

Not being good at tanking (defense) doesn't mean you have to
avoid melee (offense). You just have to fiddle around with
your song taunt effects so that the mobs usually end up
attacking the true tanks. While our area effect DoTs can do
better than our weapons in certain situations, most of the
time our weapons are the best way to contribute to the group
(with songs sung). If we get into a situation where more
defense is required (magic resist, more healing), then I'll
switch to instruments and stand back. If we need to kill a
mob quick though (e.g. spawn coming up), I'm right in there
with my blades.

Most classes don't get this choice. They just fight and let
the random number generator determine the outcome.

John H. Kim