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Message ID: 7487
Date: Fri Oct 1 00:49:36 BST 1999
Author: Kimes, Dean W.
Subject: FW: Hey this sounded interesting..

I am afraid this might be getting out of hand but I value your opinion and
want to continue.

Now that would be boring. Reduces the game to an arcade game. wait that's
why I don't play Quake, Diablo, etc. I want a death penalty. But losing an
entire night of playing, not just its gains mind you but a sizeable chunk of
the actual playing time, is too harsh. especially when its just because you
had the misfortune to zone into a 4 griffene train on the bridge in N
karana. My game play two nights ago was literally. Awake in east Karana.
Zone into N Karana. Never even appear there, just zoned for 6 minutes.
Appeared in Halas. Run to N Karana to get my body whcih had both my drums
on it since I was doing corpse retrieval at the time anyhow. Run to Qeynos,
my original destination. Camp. Wow, that was fun.

I don't disagree with you too often Michael, you hae a good perspective on
most things I think. On this though i think you are missing the real
penalty a lot of us pay for dying. Death = no playing. This rule applies
to 90% of the people I personally know who play during at least 50% of their
playing sessions. That's proabably a defining reason why only one person I
personally know is over 24th level. He made 30 while on a two week vacation
with a broken leg. He is still at 30 and hating his 'Hell' level big time
now that he can't play any more than the rest of us and can't group with us.


-----Original Message-----
From: Garramone, Michael (CCI-Las Vegas)
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 1999 5:38 PM
To: 'eqbards@onelist.com'
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Hey this sounded interesting..

From: "Garramone, Michael (CCI-Las Vegas)" <Michael.Garramone@...>

i've never played, but i heard in quake 2 if you die you respawn right away
in the same area and can start killing again with absolutely no downtime or

Shada =P

> Still I can't figure out why people think
> running naked
> accross the world to you body is more fun than regaining exp
> you had fun
> getting the first time just so you don't get set back in some
> bizarre got to
> get to the next level plan. What's up with that? Does
> anyone understand
> that at all and can explain it logically?