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Message ID: 764
Date: Sat May 15 21:39:39 BST 1999
Author: barton@xxxxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Diety Question and a Warning

Spelling error then, what I meant was that I was using the buff song (whatever
it is called) and they kill me for no odd reason, I did not have Chords of
Dissonance on, I can assure you of that. But the strangest thing is that they
don't immediately kill me, and only particular guards are aggressive to me (like
one guard with ONE name, maybe two). I was standing around for awhile, and I
think perhaps whatever I had attacked might have been drawn to guards and done
its little area effect damage thing, though it was off at the time. But what
puzzles me is the fact that I will return to guard area, after no combat and
healing up for up to 5 mins, and a guard will come and lop my head off for no
particular reason. I am definitely reporting it as a bug, the same thing
happened to my monk when he attacked an orc near guards. ("Guard says:"Time to
die an orc raider" Guard slashes you for 100 damage You die).


"J.M. Capozzi" wrote:

> From: "J.M. Capozzi" <croak63@...>
> Rofl!
> The level two song Chords of Dissonance is NOT a buff song, it's an Area of
> Effect DAMAGE song. The guards attacked you because you attacked THEM.
> Diety has a strong bearing on a lot of factions, though choosing one of the
> good gods doesn't hurt you much with followers of other good gods. Karana
> worshipers and Marr worshipers get along just fine, for instance.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <barton@...>
> To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 1999 9:46 PM
> Subject: [eqbards] Diety Question and a Warning
> >From: barton@...
> >
> >
> > For those quick browsers of messages, here is my warning. I used the
> first
> >level attack song alternating it mainly with the level 2 buff song when
> fighting
> >in and around my home town of Kelethin. Occasionally, when I run back to
> town
> >(NEVER still singing my attack song), a guard will kill me for no apparent
> >reason. Maybe it thinks I attacked another PC if he or she happened to run
> by,
> >but I really don't know. I fear that I have lost faction with my town,
> though I
> >receive no messages about it. Shopkeepers now look at me apprehensively,
> except
> >for my guild of course.
> >
> > Anyway, on to my question. How much does a diety effect your actual
> abilities
> >and inter-race relations? I play a Wood Elf bard, and have enjoyed it
> immensly,
> >but chose my diety as Tunare for fear of fraction problems. I roleplay my
> >character as a romantic, so naturally Erolisi Marr (sp?) seems like a good
> >choice, but I am unsure of it's effects on others. Would love to hear from
> >another bard who has tried more than one diety perhaps.
> >
> >Laeaus, Wood Elf Bard level...(sigh)...3
> >
> >
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