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Message ID: 7808
Date: Mon Oct 4 23:40:00 BST 1999
Author: JasonF
Subject: Dueling

So last night I'm helping a 24th Paladin friend of mine (I'm 25th) camp the
JBoots. There are literally about 14 people in that little room waiting for
the spawns so it was quite safe. We get to chatting to kill the Sand Giant
sized boredom of being in that little room for hours and hours and the subject
turns to duels. I've never been in a duel and was soon quite curious as to
whether or not I could beat this Pally so I challenge him. Well right there
in Drelzna's throne room we start going at it. I didn't have a chance to mem
songs just for the purpose of dueling, so what I'm weaving is Anthem, Hymn and
Bellow - not a bad combo for being unprepared. I'm wielding Thulian Claws and
a Dragoon Dirk in magical/banded, while he's got himself a Silvery Two-Handed
War Axe and chain/plate mail. Neither wants to die so we agree to go to one
bubble and stop.

First of all that damn axe hit hard when it hit; he missed fairly often
(perhaps his 2HS was low, didn't ask). Well he freaking blinded me several
times which sucked, but I just kept Bellowing at him while blind (pretty
effective since he couldn't leave range). He tried to root me several times
and I resisted them all, but I was easily able to Chain him down when I felt
like it. He got very lucky toward the end of the fight and hit me hard
several times in a row with the axe or I would have beaten him pretty handily,
but alas I was only about half a bubble higher than he was when we approached
the pre-defined one bubble mark.

Then he hit Lay On Hands. Ouch, hadn't thought about that one so he beat me
fair and square. A few minutes later I asked if he wanted to try dueling
again. He declined.

Crier Sharpsong - 25th (and holding) bard on Fennin Ro

Jason A. Farqu´┐¢
CDI at http://www.pigging.com/