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Message ID: 7918
Date: Tue Oct 5 22:37:27 BST 1999
Author: David Knadler
Subject: RE: Twinking

This twinking argument could continue forever. You're arguing personal
opinion and nothing more. In my experience, it's difficult, if not
impossible, to change someone's attitude towards something. That is
something they have to do themselves. If you don't mind twinking - twink.
If you do mind twinking - don't twink (and don't support twinkers and

I hope no one takes offense to this, 'cause it's not intended to be
offensive. I'm definitely not saying one way is correct and the other is
wrong. That is for you to decide.

However, in my ** PERSONAL OPINION **, twinking does detract from the game,
in the fact that it strips the character of having to strive for better
equipment... and half the fun of these games is obtaining new toys and
watching your character move up through the ranks.

Desmei Sightblinder
Lvl 28 Bard (Povar) - who is really bored at work.

-----Original Message-----
From: John.Curry@... [mailto:John.Curry@...]
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 1999 3:21 PM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Twinking

From: John.Curry@...

But are you really making their life easier by twinking them? Are you
really enhancing the playing experience? I know a Druid, who was givin the
following equipment before they reached 2nd level: Full Leather Armor, many
snakeskin pieces including tunic, Bloodforge hammer, 2 cutthroat rings, at
least 50 plat. Now whats next for her? When she thinks about the "next
cool item" she wants to get her hands on. She is thinking about items that
are WAY over her head. She is now 13th level, and she still hasent out
grown any of her equipment. And now after 13 levels she is realizing that
it is very difficult to get stuff. 13 levels and she haddent gained the
respect for items that you get over time. It is sad. She is bored, and
feeling useless. Actually I have talked her into creating a bard :) and she
is building up from scratch with no twinks.

Ok Im not talking about giving a tarnished weapon to a 1st level char. No
Im talking about giving someone somthing that they will be stuck with for a
very very long time. Change is good. And on top of this. My poor Druid
friend, has been using a 2 handed blunt bloodforge for 13 levels, never
switching weapons. Now she is stuck, and worried about switching to a
weapon she has never used. Wow.

I dont get it. Perhaps im a little jaded because I have been looking for a
Bronze Breastplate for the last 2 weeks with no luck.. But I dont think its
all that.

Sevin Tercet <Mischief>
Minstrel of Bristlebane
22nd Human Bard
on Brell Serelis

-----Original Message-----
From: Miriana [mailto:miriana@...]
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 1999 1:52 PM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Twinking

From: Miriana <miriana@...>

On Tue, 5 Oct 1999 John.Curry@... wrote:

> not have friends who offer. But I always turn it down. If you twink a
> character, you are giving them something, but you are also taking
> even more valuable away from them. The wonderfull experience of leveling
> their own. And knowing that thay can look at their inventory and remember
> all of the wonderfull adventures spent on getting the wonderfull items.

But getting items is not as glorious and fun as you make it out to
be, at least, not very often. The message boards are filled with rants of
"I went to so and so dungeon, and right before I killed this monster, some
level 40 invisible magician ran by us and stole my kill". Do you really
want your second character, or your friends, to go through the same system
of camping hours on end and dealing with kill stealers that you did?
It's something ingrained in human nature to try and make the lives
of our family and friends easier, to save them the hardships that we had
to go through. To me, the "fun" in everquest is the interaction between
you and your friends, going in a group to kill monsters to learn new
skills and new spells. Going through a dungeon to get items is nice and
all, but when the items in question are ones in which you have to deal
with people who's sole purpose seem to deprive other people of their fun,
by farming the items for ebay, or kill stealing them items for themselves,
I for one wouldn't want to go through that experience any more than I have
to, nor would I want to put anyone else through it.

Miriana Windryder