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Message ID: 7926
Date: Tue Oct 5 22:48:14 BST 1999
Author: John.Curry@xxxxxx.xxx
Subject: RE: Twinking

Giving away banded.. doph.. the poor blacksmiths who spent all that time
learning the craft so they could be undersold by someone giveing it away.
makes me sad. We surely do have a diffence of opinion. 10-15 levels with
the same equipment? Wow if I were twinked like that, I could see why you
would think that the game STARTs at level 20 :) Thats when you started
getting stuff for yourself :) Anyway, I really think that if Verant wanted
to stop twinking then they would have done something about it, so even
though I think you are very wrong, I cannot change the world.

Im not going to comment on this anymore:( I dont think my what i believe is
the majority and I dont want a flame war, over my strong opinion. Suffice
to say, I disagree.

Sevin Tercet <Mischief>
Minstrel of Bristlebane
22nd Human Bard
on Brell Serelis

-----Original Message-----
From: Miriana [mailto:miriana@...]
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 1999 3:37 PM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Twinking

From: Miriana <miriana@...>

On Tue, 5 Oct 1999 John.Curry@... wrote:

> From: John.Curry@...
> But are you really making their life easier by twinking them? Are you
> really enhancing the playing experience? I know a Druid, who was givin

I think it depends on the class they're playing, and the equipment
in question. Giving a low level person full banded ot leather I don't see
as a big issue, sure it'll be good for them for the next 10 or 15 levels,
but there still many upgrades to all their pieces of equipment, and many
of them come as early as the mid teens. Frankly, I see most of my
true gaming experience in everquest as between levels 20 and 49, and
giving a player some equipment to carry them out of the newbie areas and
into the levels where people start to find regular groups and learn the
real joys of group dynamics and player interaction is definitely an
enchancement. Spending 8 hours chunks solo hunting wisps for money so I
can scrounge the last few plat I need for banded armor is definitely not
why I paid to play EQ.

Miriana Windryder