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Message ID: 814
Date: Mon May 17 18:00:55 BST 1999
Author: Tony Butler
Subject: Re: Please give me a reason to play

>From: David Rubino <tigger@...>

>I am a Level 17 Bard. As such I am about that age where I have almost
>completed my set of bronze armor. I already have 2 combine longswords, so
>pretty soon I'll be as equipped as I ever really need to be.
>To those of you who have reached and passed this point in the game, I would
>like to know what it is that keeps you going? I've seen basically every
>zone, got everything I need. In real life this is the time I would finally
>settle down and spend time with my family.
>Just looking for tips on what to do now . . .

Hmm... level 17... Ahhh! Yes, I remember 17.. I had just started doing
the caimans in Oasis and got my first piece of banded armor when a friend
traded the LJ vest for a banded tunic for me. I was soooo happy I couldn't
see straight. My first piece of non-leather armor!

Level 17 is also what introduced me to the "you'll never stay with your
friends" problem, where my non-hybrid class friends could make 1.5 levels to
my one... or in other words, it was when I discovered that my friends were
very good powergamers and I wasn't. =)

Now, I'm lvl 33. I still can't go beyond the bedroom chamber in gukbottom
but my old friends are starting to move beyond the tower there and
occasionally go to MistMoore. I know Najena like the back of my hand, and
I've been constantly in CazicThule since level 19. I know the solution to
the 30th lvl song quest (I was the first to figure it out almost a month
ago), but I still haven't completed it because I can't get a group of
near-40th lvl chars together to help me do it. But, I have every song up to
my level other than 30. I'm only 4 levels behind the top bard on my server,
and if I ever quit dieing, I might just catch them (8 levels ago they were
10 levels ahead of me). I still don't have full plate armor, but then, the
pieces of banded armor that remain aren't that much less ac than plate, and
they weigh a lot less. I have a combine LS and a barbed whip, and
despirately wish I could get better weapons.

My friends from back when I was level 17? Well, one started over, one quit
the game over item issues, and the others are either 3-5 levels above me and
won't group with me, or took time off an are now 10 levels behind me and
can't group with me. I have some new friends in-game, perhaps better people
than my old friends. I still have never been to Paw, or BB, or MistMoore,
and I just visited Qeynos for the first time 2 levels ago. Permafrost I
need to visit someday and I dread the thought of when we eventually must do
SolA and SolB. I still have yet to extract my revenge on DVinn and Dorn,
and those pesky griffins in ECommons.

I still have tremendous difficulty finding groups to adventure with, even
though I'm in one of the largest (and perhaps most hated) guilds on my
server. But now I'm a mana-bard and finally those uppity spell-casters want
me around to sing Chorus of Clarity to them.

<walking off shaking her head>
Linako Lindenlyre of Mithaniel Marr