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Message ID: 822
Date: Mon May 17 19:52:50 BST 1999
Author: jay schultze
Subject: Re: Please give me a reason to play

>From: "Tony Butler" <tbutler@...>
>Reply-To: eqbards@onelist.com
>To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
>Subject: Re: [eqbards] Please give me a reason to play
>Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 10:00:55 -0700
>From: "Tony Butler" <tbutler@...>
> >From: David Rubino <tigger@...>
> >I am a Level 17 Bard. As such I am about that age where I have almost
> >completed my set of bronze armor. I already have 2 combine longswords, so
> >pretty soon I'll be as equipped as I ever really need to be.
> >
> >To those of you who have reached and passed this point in the game, I
> >like to know what it is that keeps you going? I've seen basically every
> >zone, got everything I need. In real life this is the time I would
> >settle down and spend time with my family.
> >
> >Just looking for tips on what to do now . . .
>Hmm... level 17... Ahhh! Yes, I remember 17.. I had just started doing
>the caimans in Oasis and got my first piece of banded armor when a friend
>traded the LJ vest for a banded tunic for me. I was soooo happy I couldn't
>see straight. My first piece of non-leather armor!
>Level 17 is also what introduced me to the "you'll never stay with your
>friends" problem, where my non-hybrid class friends could make 1.5 levels
>my one... or in other words, it was when I discovered that my friends were
>very good powergamers and I wasn't. =)
>Now, I'm lvl 33. I still can't go beyond the bedroom chamber in gukbottom
>but my old friends are starting to move beyond the tower there and
>occasionally go to MistMoore. I know Najena like the back of my hand, and
>I've been constantly in CazicThule since level 19. I know the solution to
>the 30th lvl song quest (I was the first to figure it out almost a month
>ago), but I still haven't completed it because I can't get a group of
>near-40th lvl chars together to help me do it. But, I have every song up
>my level other than 30. I'm only 4 levels behind the top bard on my
>and if I ever quit dieing, I might just catch them (8 levels ago they were
>10 levels ahead of me). I still don't have full plate armor, but then, the
>pieces of banded armor that remain aren't that much less ac than plate, and
>they weigh a lot less. I have a combine LS and a barbed whip, and
>despirately wish I could get better weapons.
>My friends from back when I was level 17? Well, one started over, one quit
>the game over item issues, and the others are either 3-5 levels above me
>won't group with me, or took time off an are now 10 levels behind me and
>can't group with me. <walking off shaking her head>
>Linako Lindenlyre of Mithaniel Marr

This is from my viewpoint - a former beta-tester who hasn't jumped into
commercial yet, so correct any misinformation and I thank you in advance =)

You are 33 and people 3-5 levels above you won't group with you?!
WTF? They must not know that they will get xp (and plenty of it) with you
around. OK, I don't remember exactly the floor and ceiling limit for similar
level ppl to group. I know up to like 20th it's a 4 lvl above or below
limit. But after 20th things change. When I was 20th I was able to group
with a 26th level person and get xp. When I was 23 I was grouping with 30th
level ppl and getting xp. 3-5 level differences at your level will not put
any significant dent in anyone's xp gains. They are just being either
ignorant, or greedy. My 32nd lvl friend used to party with 40th lvl ppl all
the time.

Sartori of Kelethin

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